Translation of the song El meu carrer artist Joan Manuel Serrat


El meu carrer

English translation

My street

El meu carrer

My street

és fosc i tort,

is dark and tortuous,

té gust de port

it knows the harbour

i nom de poeta.

and a poet’s name (1).

Estret i brut,

Narrow and dirty,

fa olor de gent

it smells of people

i té els balcons plens

and has the balconies full of

de roba estesa.

hanged clothes.

El meu carrer

My street

no val dos rals:

Doesn’t cost two “real” :

són cent portals

there are a hundred doors

trencats a trossos

broken in pieces

i una font on

and a fountain where

van a abeurar

are coming to drink

infants i gats,

children and cats,

coloms i gossos.

doves and dogs.

És un racó on mai no entra el sol,

It is a place where the sun never enters,

un carrer qualsevol.

an ordinary street.

El meu carrer

My street

té cinc fanals

has five street lamps

perquè els xavals

so the young

llancin pedrades.

can throw them stones.

Hi ha una pensió

There is a guest house

i tres forns de pa,

and three bread ovens

i un bar a cada cantonada.

and a pub at every corner.

El meu carrera

My street

és gent d'arreu

it is people coming from everywhere

que penca i beu,

who heals and drinks,

que sua i menja,

who sweats and eats,

i es lleven amb el primer sol,

and wakes up when the sun rises,

i van al futbol cada diumenge,

and goes to a football match every Sundays,

o a fer esparrall al volantí,

or to fish sea breams with trawl line,

o a fer un dòmino amb vi.

or plays dominoes drinking wine.

El meu carrer

My street

és un infant

is a child

que va berenant

who in the afternoon eats a snack

pa amb oli i sucre,

of bread with oil and sugar,

i juga a daus

and who plays dice

i a 'cavall fort',

and plays 'cavall fort',

mig bo, mig bord

half nice, half uncouth

escolà i cuca.

altar boy and rascal.

El meu carrer

My street

del barri baix

of the blue collar area

viu al calaix

lives depending on the drawer

de les baldufes,

with the tops,

amb patacons,

and with stickers,

i l'àlbum 'Nestlè'

and the 'Nestle' Album

i ells trossos

and the pieces

d'una vella estufa.

of an old wood burner.

I a poc a poc se'm fa malbé

Little by little it is going to deteriorate ..

el meu carrer.

My street.

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