Translation of the song El Testament d'Amèlia artist Joan Manuel Serrat


El Testament d'Amèlia

English translation

The Testament of Amelia

L'Amèlia està malalta,


la filla del bon rei.

Amelia is sick

Comtes la van a veure.

The daughter of the good king

Comtes i noble gent.

Counts come to see her



Ai, que el meu cor se'm nua

Oh, my heart is knotted up!

com un pom de clavells.

Like a bunch of carnations...

La madrastra:


Filla, la meva filla,

Daughter, o my daughter

de quin mal us queixeu?

What is that you are suffering from?



El mal que jo tinc, mare,

You know very well, mother

bé prou que me'l sabeu.

What I'm suffering from.

Ai, que el meu cor se'm nua

Oh, my heart is knotted up!

com un pom de clavells.

Like a bunch of carnations...

La madrastra:


Filla, la meva filla,

Daughter, o my daughter

d'això us confessareu.

You should confess

Quan sereu confessada

After you've confessed

el testament fareu.

You'll make your will



Ai, que el meu cor se'm nua

Oh, my heart is knotted up!

com un pom de clavells.

Like a bunch of carnations...

Un castell deixo als pobres

I leave a castle to the poor

perquè resin a Déu.

So they may pray to God (for me)

Quatre al meu germà en Carles.

Four castle to my brother Carlos

Dos a la Mare de Déu.

Two to the Holy Mother

Ai, que el meu cor se'm nua

Oh, my heart is knotted up!

com un pom de clavells.

Like a bunch of carnations...

I a vós, la meva mare,

And to you, o mother

us deixo el marit meu

I leave my husband

perquè el tingueu en cambra

You may take him in your bedroom

com fa molt temps que feu.

As you've been doing for a long time

Ai, que el meu cor se'm nua

Oh, my heart is knotted up!

com un pom de clavells.

Like a bunch of carnations...

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