Translation of the song El titiritero artist Joan Manuel Serrat
El titiritero
The puppeteer
De aldea en aldea
From town to town
el viento lo lleva
the wind takes him
siguiendo el sendero,
following the path,
su patria es el mundo,
his homeland is the world,
como un vagabundo
like a vagabond,
va el titiritero.
goes the puppeteer.
Viene de muy lejos,
He comes from far away,
cruzando los viejos
crossing the old
caminos de piedra.
paths of stone.
Es de aquella raza
He is from that race
que de plaza en plaza,
that from plaza to plaza
nos canta su pena.
he sings us his pain.
¡Allez hop!
Allez hop!
¡Titiritero, allez hop!
Puppeteer, allez hop!
de feria en feria.
from festival to festival.
Siempre risueño,
Always cheerful,
canta sus sueños
he sings his dreams
y sus miserias.
and his miseries.
Vacía su alforja
Empty his saddlebag
de sueños que forja
of dreams that he forges
en su andar tan largo.
on his long gait.
Nos baja una estrella
He brings down a star for us
que borra la huella
that erases the remnant
de un recuerdo amargo.
of a bitter memory.
Canta su romanza
He sings his romance
al son de una danza
to the sound of a dance -
híbrida y extraña,
hybrid and foreign,
para que el aldeano
so that the villager
le llene la mano
fills his hand
con lo poco que haya.
with the little there is.
¡Allez hop!
Allez hop!
¡Titiritero, allez hop!
Puppeteer, allez hop!
de feria en feria.
from festival to festival.
Siempre risueño,
Always cheerful,
canta sus sueños
he sings his dreams
y sus miserias.
and his miseries.
Y al caer la noche
And at the fall of night
en el viejo coche
in the old carriage
guardará los chismes,
he will put away the trinkets,
y tal como vino
and just as he came
sigue su camino
follows his path
solitario y triste.
alone and sad.
Y quizá mañana,
And perhaps tomorrow
por esa ventana
through that window
que muestra el sendero
which shows the path
nos llegue su queja
his complaint arrives to us
mientras que se aleja
while he is lost in the distance
el titiritero.
the puppeteer.