Translation of the song els titelles artist Joan Manuel Serrat


els titelles

English translation

The puppets

Ells s’han adormit.

They are sleeping.

La fira ja és buida, la gent se n’ha anat.

The fair yet is empty, the people went away.

Ja és tard.

Yet it's late.

I en una maleta de cartó folrat,

and in an holed cardboard suitcase,

tots sols, dormen els titelles.

Alone, the puppets are sleeping.

Sols, tots sols, dormen els titelles.

Alone, all alone the puppets are sleeping.

Ells ja estant cansats.

They are yet tired.

Tot el dia unes mans els han tingut ballant

All the day hands made them dancing


in front of

els ulls oberts d’un bocabadats infants.

the opened eyes of speechless children.

Tots sols, dormen els titelles.

Alone, the puppets are sleeping.

Sols, tots sols, dormen els titelles.

Alone, all alone the puppets are sleeping;

La bruixa i el rei,

The switch and the King,

l’heroi, la princesa

The hero, the princess

i el vell assenyat,

and the old wise man.

tots dormen plegats

They are sleeping all together

en una maleta.

in a suitcase.

Ells dormen contents.

They sleep happy.

El dia ha estat bo i la gent s’ha acostat

The day has been good and the people approached

al parc,

to the park,

i ha omplert la barraca aplaudint el seu art.

They filled the shack applauding their art.

Tots sols, dormen els titelles.

Alone, the puppets are sleeping

Sols, tots sols, dormen els titelles.

Alone, all alone the puppets are sleeping.

Sense saber quan

Without knowing when

la vella maleta s’ha de tornar a obrir.

The old suitcase will return to open

Ells han

They have

de creuar la terra com un pelegrí.

to cross the Earth as a pilgrim.

Tots sols, dormen els titelles.

Alone, the puppets are sleeping.

Sols, tots sols, dormen els titelles.

Alone, all alone the puppets are sleeping.

Vindran dies clars,

Will come clear days,

de pluja i de tempesta,

of rain and storm,

però han d’anar endavant,

but they have to go forward,

sempre hi ha un infant

There is always a child

que espera els titelles.

Waiting the puppets.

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