Translation of the song La, la, la artist Joan Manuel Serrat
La, la, la
La, la, la
La, la, la...
La, la, la...
Em recordo, mare,
I remember, mother,
que em duies de la mà,
that you led me by the hand.
tu eres jove encara
You were still young
i jo anava fent-me gran.
and I was slowly growing up.
Teníem fred, però,
We were cold, but
amb una cançó...
with a song
feies la nit més clara
you made the night much brighter
i més blava aquella tardor.
and the autumn much bluer.
La, la, la...
La, la, la...
Em recordo, mare,
I remember, mother,
quan em veies cantar.
that you saw me sing.
Trenca les fronteres,
Break the borders
guaita lluny i endavant!
and look far and in front of you.
Res no ho pot esborrar,
Nothing can erase it
ni ho vull oblidar,
nor do I want to forget it,
i per a tu, mare meva,
and for you, my mother,
cada vespre em senten cantar.
every night they'll hear me sing.
La, la, la…
La, la, la...