Translation of the song No hago otra cosa que pensar en ti artist Joan Manuel Serrat
No hago otra cosa que pensar en ti
All I ever do is thinking of you
No hago otra cosa que pensar en ti
All I ever do is thinking of you
Por halagarte y para que se sepa,
to flatter you and to let it be known,
Tome papel y lápiz y esparcí
I took pencil and paper and I spread
Las prendas de tu amor sobre la mesa.
your love clothes over the table.
Buscaba una canción y me perdí
I was looking for a song and I got lost
En un montón de palabras gastadas,
between a lot of wasted words,
No hago otra cosa que pensar en ti
all I ever do is thinking of you
Y no se me ocurre nada.
and I can't think of anything.
Enciendo un cigarrillo, y otro mas...
I light a cigarrette, and another...
Un día de estos voy a plantearme
One of these days I'll consider
Muy seriamente dejar de fumar
seriously to stop smoking
Por esa tos que me entra al levantarme...
because of that cough I have when I wake up...
Busque, mirando al cielo, inspiración
I looked for inspiration, looking at the sky
Y me quedé colgado en las alturas.
and I was left hanging in the heights.
Por cierto al techo no le iría nada mal
By the way to the ceiling it wouldn't be bad
Una mano de pintura.
a coat of paint.
Miré por la ventana y me fugué
I looked by the window and I escaped
Con una niña que iba en bicicleta.
with a girl riding on a bike.
Me distrajo un vecino que también,
I was distracted by a neighbour who also,
No hacia mas que rascarse la cabeza.
all he was doing was scratching his head.
No hago otra cosa que pensar en ti...
All I ever do is thinking of you...
Nada me gusta mas que hacer canciones,
Nothing likes me more than doing songs
Pero hoy las musas han pasao de mi.
but today the muses have passed me by.
Andarán de vacaciones.
They must be on vacation.