Translation of the song Seria fantàstic artist Joan Manuel Serrat


Seria fantàstic

English translation

It'd be fantastic

Seria fantàstic

It'd be fantastic

que anés equivocat

that I'd been wrong

i que el wàter no fos ocupat.

and the toilet weren't busy.

Que fes un bon dia

That the day were nice

i que ens fes bon pes.

and they don't fool us with the weight.

Que sant Pere, pagant, no cantés.

That the tune don't come paying the piper.

Seria fantàstic

It'd be fantastic

que res no fos urgent.

that nothing were urgent.

No passar mai de llarg i servir per quelcom.

To never pass by and to worth for something.

Anar per la vida sense compliments

To go through life without compliments

anomenant les coses pel seu nom.

calling the things by its name.

Cobrar en espècies i sentir-se ben tractat

To earn in species and feel well treated

i pixar-se de riure i fer volar

and laughing out loud and let


the fantasy fly.

Seria tot un detall,

It'd be a great gesture,

tot un símptoma d'urbanitat,

a whole symptom of courtesy,

que no perdessin sempre els mateixos

that the same ones were not always the losers

i que heretessin els desheretats.

and that the unherited inherit.

Seria fantàstic

It'd be fantastic

que guanyés el millor

that the best one wins

i que la força no fos la raó.

and that the strength weren't the reason.

Que s'instal·lés al barri

That were set up in the neighborhood

el paradís terrenal.

the heaven on earth.

Que la ciència fos neutral.

That science were neutral.

Seria fantàstic

It'd be fantastic

no passar per l'embut.

to not pass by the funnel.

Que tot fos com és manat i ningú no manés.

That all were like it was made and nobody ruling.

Que arribés el dia del sentit comú.

That the common sense day arrived.

Trobar-se com a casa a tot arreu.

To feel like home everywhere.

Poder badar sense córrer perill.

To go distracted without being in danger.

Seria fantàstic que tots fóssim fills de Déu.

It'd be fantastic that everyone were God children.

Seria tot un detall

It'd be a great gesture,

i tot un gest, per la teva part,

a whole gesture, on your side,

que coincidíssim, et deixessis convèncer

that we agree, that you let yourself be convinced

i fossis tal com jo t'he imaginat.

and you were just like I imagined you.

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