Translation of the song Soneto a Mama artist Joan Manuel Serrat
Soneto a Mama
Sonnet to mother
No es que no vuelva, porque me he olvidado
It's not that I don't return because I have forgotten
de tu olor a tomillo y a cocina.
of your smell of thyme and kitchen
De lejos, dicen que se ve más claro,
They say that it looks much clearer from afar,
que no es igual quién anda y quién camina.
that it's not the same who wanders and who walks.
Y supe que el amor tiene ojos verdes,
And I knew that love has green eyes,
que cuatro palos tiene la baraja,
that the deck has four suits,
que nunca vuelve aquello que se pierde
that what is lost never returns,
y la marea sube y luego baja.
and the tide rises and then falls.
Supe que lo sencillo no es lo necio,
I knew that simplicity is not foolish,
que no hay que confundir valor y precio,
that one cannot confuse value and price,
y un manjar puede ser cualquier bocado
and any bite can be a delicacy.
si el horizonte es luz y el rumbo un beso,
If the horizon is light and the heading a kiss,
No es que no vuelva porque me he olvidado:
it's not that I don't return because I have forgotten;
es que perdí el camino de regreso,
it's that I have lost the way back.