Translation of the song Donna artist Knez
Stajala je sama
She was standing alone
na kiši pokisla do kože
in the rain dripping wet.
drhtala k'o plamen svjeće
She was trembling like a flame of a candle,
kako lijepa žena, Bože
she was such a beautiful woman, oh God.
Rekla mi je samo
She only told me
bol je za slabiće
Pain is for the weak
kao da se dugo znamo
as if we knew each other for a long time
pozvala na piće
she asked me out for a drink.
Ja sam Dona
I am Dona,
ne ostavljaj me samu
don't leave me alone.
od te je noći ona mnoge
Since then, she welcomed
zore dočekala u mom stanu
many dawns in my apartment.
Pitao je nisam
I didn't ask her
za kim one suze
who she cried those tears for.
došla je sa kišom
She came with the rain,
a donjela mi sunce
yet she brought me sun.
Dona, nijedna više kao ona
Dona, no one else is like her.
kad mi pod kožu uđe
When she enters my skin,
k'o da srce tuđe je u grudima
it's as if someone else's heart is in my chest.
Dona, jedina ljubavi moja
Dona, my only love,
još uvijek kada čujem zvona
even now when I hear the bells
korak sam do ludila
I am one step away from insanity.
Jedne noći skriveni poziv
One night a hidden call
je probudi iz sna
woke her up from sleep.
glumio sam kako spavam
I pretended to be asleep
dok je ona plakala
as she was crying.
Nikad više nije
Never more was Dona
Dona bila kao prije
as she had been before.
nestalo je one sreće
The joy was gone,
one magije
and so was the magic.
S djevojačke večeri
From the bachelorette party
prva je otišla
she was the first one to leave.
pozdravila nesrećnim
She said goodbye to the unlucky ones
svoju času prolila
and she spilled her glass.
I sjutra pred svima
And the day after in front of everyone
srušila je sve
she destroyed everything
kada mi je na vjenčanju
when on our wedding
samo rekla ne
she just told me no.
Kažu mi da
They tell me that
srećna je s njim
she's happy with him.
ja niti volim niti ljubim
I don't love or kiss,
nigdje vatre, samo dim
there is no flame, but only smoke.
Bila je moj jedini bol
She was my only pain.
došla je s kišom
She came with the rain
zato samo jesen
and that's why there is
ostaje sa njom
only autumn left behind her.