Translation of the song David Duchovny artist Zahara (Spain)
David Duchovny
David Duchovny
Aquella vez en la que David Duchovny y yo
That time when David Duchovny and I
respiramos el mismo aire,
breathed the same air
casi nos rozamos en el mismo hall del teatro.
We almost brushed against each other on the same theater hall.
Él iba a a ver a Gillian Anderson en el estreno
He was going to see Gillian Anderson on the premiere
de 'Un tran vía llamado deseo',
of A Streetcar Name Desire
y yo no, yo no, yo no, yo no
And I wasn't, I wasn't, I wasn't, I wasn't.
Las luces se encienden mientras el sol dice adiós
The lights turn on while the sun says goodbye
a la ciudad que fue testigo del amor.
to the city that was witness of the love.
No estoy hablando del de David, ahora no, de él no.
I am not talking about David's, not now, not him.
Y a más de cuatrocientos metros
And at more than four hundred meters,
la planta 102 del edificio favorito de Ted
the 102 floor of Ted's favourite building
asistió en silencio y el anillo era perfecto aunque yo no,
assisted in silence and the ring was perfect but I wasn't
yo no, yo no, yo no.
I wasn't, I wasn't, I wasn't.
La oscuridad de la sala permitía observar
The darkness of the room allowed to observe
la ciudad apabullante pero te impedía ver mis lagrimas.
the overwhelming city but it prevented you from seeing my tears
Nadie dijo 'corten' pero fuimos Sam y Annie,
Nobody said cut but we were Sam and Annie
todos estaban solos menos yo,
everyone was lonely but me,
yo no, yo no, yo no, yo no, yo no
I wasn't, I wasn't, I wasn't, I wasn't, I wasn't.