Translation of the song El deshielo artist Zahara (Spain)


El deshielo

English translation


Es fácil recordar, el deshielo llegó en agosto

It's easy to remember, the thaw began in August

el mes de recogerme en el portal.

the month when you came to pick me up at my front door.

Viajábamos deprisa, el aire en combustión,

We traveled with haste, the air ready to ignite,

apenas me rozaste me empecé a descongelar.

you barely brushed against me and I began to thaw.

Hablabas de tu infancia, de tu amable vecina

You spoke of your childhood, your nice neighbor

salía desnuda a cerrar el balcón.

who would step out naked to close the balcony shades.

Yo hablaba sin parar a un ritmo inalcanzable

I spoke at an unmatchable and never-ending pace

como Marv a Wendy me has dejado de escuchar…

you have stopped listening to me just as Marv did to Wendy...

Se empezó a derretir la coraza y cayó

The armor began to melt and fell away

y mi piel se volvió fluorescente.

and my skin returned to its natural fluorescent hue.

Durante cuánto tiempo estuve hibernando

How long have I been in hibernation

No me interrumpiste, me estabas esperando.

You never interrupted me, you were always waiting.

Me hiciste olvidar los hombres de la tierra,

You made me forget the rest of mankind,

Tenías el sabor de todos los helados

you tasted like every kind of ice cream imaginable

Éramos extraños en días sin lluvia

We were strangers on days without rain

bajo las Perseidas para verlas caer…

standing underneath the Perseids to watch the meteors fall...

Cuando acabó aquel letargo sin fin

When that period of unending languor ended

me quedé en agosto a vivir.

I stayed to live in August.

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