Translation of the song Los amigos de Darío (Demo 2010) artist Zahara (Spain)
Los amigos de Darío (Demo 2010)
The Friends of Dario
Van a por ti los momentos que aun no llegaste a vivir,
From you, they flee away the moments you didn't get to live
para ti cantará tu madre alguna de John Boy,
For you, chant your mother a song of John Boy
para ti las mantas que tejieron para mí, te las doy
For you, I'm giving you the blankets woven for me
te presto mi refugio escondido en una playa polar
I lend you my hidden refuge in a polar beach
Vas a descubrir que aunque duela siempre querrás más
You're going to discover that even it always hurts, you'll want more
y más tendrás, amor tendrás, amor serás amor
And the more you have, love you'll have, love will be love
Hay para ti está oculto nunca dejes de mirar
There's for you this hidden place you'd never stop staring
crearás tu vida en un instante, se expande en un paisaje estelar
You'll sketch your life instantly, it'll expand into a stellar landscape
Bienvenido a tu momento
Welcome to your moment
todos te están esperando
Everyone's waiting for you
Bienvenido, es tu momento
Welcome, it's your moment
todos te están celebrando
Everyone's celebrating for you
Vas a jugar con Rufo al escondite
You'll play hide-and-seek with Rufo
y tocarás un tambor con cacerolas y cucharas
And you'll play the drum with pans and spoons
son de Isabel que tarareará coplas que te harán despegar
They're Isabel's, that you'll hum couplets which will lift you off
debajo de tu cama encontrarás mi nave espacial
Below from your bed, you'll find my special boat
Bienvenido a tu momento
Welcome to your moment
todos te están esperando
Everyone's waiting for you
Bienvenido, es tu momento
Welcome, it's your moment
todos te están celebrando
Everyone's celebrating for you