Translation of the song 777 artist Liviu Teodorescu



English translation


Strofa 1

Verse 1

Cum poti sa stii ce e inalt

How can you know what high is

Fara prapastiile abrupte?

Without abrupt precipices?

E relativ, sunt impacat

It's relative, I'm at peace

Sunt in pacat si in virtute

I'm in sin and in virtue

Dau intunericul mai tare

I turn up the darkness

Cand am uitat ce e Lumina

When I forgot what Light is

Si intunericul dispare

And the darkness disappears

Cand mi-amintesc ca sunt Iubirea

When I remember that I am Love



Trecut, Prezent si Viitor

Past, Present and Future

Acum se-ntampla

Now happen

Si gandul meu

And my mind

Realitatea mi-o inunda

Floods my reality



Eu sunt Tu si Tu esti Eu

I am You and You are Me

Noi suntem Pamant si Cer

We are Earth and Sky

Peste Tot in jurul meu

Everywhere around me

Suntem si Demon si Inger

We are also Demon and Angel

Nu am nimic de invatat

I don't have anything left to learn

N-am nici o carte de citit

I don't have even one book to read

Dar am o Lume de creat

But I have a World to create

Si am de scris un Infinit

And I have to write an Infinity

Strofa 2

Verse 2

Cand ma simt departe de Rai

When I feel far from Heaven

Nu Iti cer semne sa imi dai

I don't ask you to give me signs

E de ajuns sa privesc in jur

It's enough for me to look around

si semnul asta mi-e destul

And this sign is enough for me

Se-aude in cantecul meu

It is audible in my song

Ca sunt un strop de Dumnezeu

That I'm a drop of God

Se simte cand imi e mai greu

It is felt when it's hardest for me

Se vede-n ochii mei mereu

It's always visible in my eyes

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