Translation of the song Așa e ea artist Liviu Teodorescu
Așa e ea
This is her
Ii place tot ce-i ilegal
She likes all that is illegal
Iubeste florile care te duc pana la cer
She loves flowers which carry you to the sky
Uraste tot ce e normal
She hates all that is normal
Parfumul ei facut din esenta de mister.
Her perfume made from the essence of mystery.
Sub haine tatuajele
Under her clothes, tattoos
Imbraca pielea alba in ramasite din trecut
She wears white skin in the remains of the past
Timpu-i cel mai mare criminal
Time is the biggest criminal
Si nimic mai mult.
And nothing more
Dulce, dulce ca sarea
Sweet, sweet like salt
Dulce, dulce ca marea
Sweet, sweet like the sea
De ce-ti aud chemarea
Why do I hear your call
Dulce, imi lasi un gust amar.
Sweet, you leave me with a bitter taste
Asa e ea, asa e ea
This is her, this is her
Prietena cu noaptea
Friends with the night
Fiindca-i tine partea
Because it takes her side
Asa e ea, asa e ea
This is her, this is her
Prietena cu viciu
Friends with vice
Nu doar din capriciu.
Not just with whim
Asa e ea, asa e ea
This is her, this is her
Ea nu prea promite
She does not really promise
Ca se compromite
To compromise
Asa e ea, asa e ea
This is her, this is her
Asa e ea, asa e ea.
This is her, this is her
Vrea tot ce nu poate avea
She wants all that she can't have
Si nu mai vrea nimic din tot ce a avut deja
And she does not want anything she has already had anymore
Cand nu-si gaseste linistea
When she can't find her peace
Fumeaza inimile celor care tin la ea.
She smokes the hearts of those who care about her
Multe chistoace de iubire
Many cigarette butts of love
Lasate intr-o scrumiera plina ochi de amintiri
Left in an ashtray full of eyes from memories
Dar amintirile sunt parte din trecut
But the memories are part of the past
Si nimic mai mult.
And nothing more.
Dulce, dulce ca sarea
Sweet, sweet like salt
Dulce, dulce ca marea
Sweet, sweet like the sea
De ce-ti aud chemarea
Why do I hear your call
Dulce, imi lasi un gust amar.
Sweet, you leave me with a bitter taste
Asa e ea, asa e ea
This is her, this is her
Prietena cu noaptea
Friends with the night
Fiindca-i tine partea
Because it takes her side
Asa e ea, asa e ea
This is her, this is her
Prietena cu viciu
Friends with vice
Nu doar din capriciu.
Not just with whim
Asa e ea, asa e ea
This is her, this is her
Ea nu prea promite
She does not really promise
Ca se compromite
To compromise
Asa e ea, asa e ea
This is her, this is her
Asa e ea, asa e ea.
This is her, this is her.