Translation of the song Lista de pacate artist Liviu Teodorescu
Lista de pacate
Sins list
Ea nu prea scoate niciun cuvant
She doesn't really say a word
Si umbla numai
She walks by
Cu parul prins si cu privirea-n pamant
Only with her hair tied up and eyes looking into the ground
In lumea ei e mult prea greu de patruns
It's to hard to get in her world
Cand imi vorbeste
When she talks to me
Parca tot timpul are ceva de ascuns
Feels like she always got something to hide
Nu ravneste la ceva ce-i al altcuiva
She doesn't crave for what belongs to someone else
Prea cuminte s-o auzi mintind
Too nice to hear her lying
Chipul ei pare cioplit, inger ratacit
Her face seems carved, lost angel
Prea curata sa o vezi iubind
Too pure to see her loving
Dar.. in buzunar la spate her back poket
Are o lista de pacate
She has a sins list
Si cand se face noapte
And when it's night
O sa trecem prin toate
We will get through everything
Trecem prin toate
Get through everything
Haine aruncate
Clothes thrown off
Cu gesturi disperate
With desperate gestures
O lista de pacate
A sins list
O sa trecem prin toate
We will get through everything
Trecem prin toate, eh
Get through everything, eh
Nu se supune niciunei legi
She doesn't obey to any rules
E atat de simpla
She's so simple
Ca niciodata n-ai sa poti s-o-ntelegi
That you'll never get to understand her
Nu ravneste la ceva ce-i al altcuiva
She doesn't crave for what belongs to someone else
Prea cuminte s-o auzi mintind
Too nice to hear her lying
Chipul ei pare cioplit, inger ratacit
Her face seems carved, lost angel
Prea curata sa o vezi iubind
Too pure to see her loving
Dar.. in buzunar la spate her back poket
Are o lista de pacate
She has a sins list
Si cand se face noapte
And when it's night
O sa trecem prin toate
We will get through everything
Trecem prin toate
Get through everything
Haine aruncate
Clothes thrown off
Cu gesturi disperate
With desperate gestures
O lista de pacate
A sins list
O sa trecem prin toate
We will get through everything
Trecem prin toate, eh
Get through everything, eh
Ea nu-mi da pic de liniste
She doesn't bring me a drop of peace
Admit c-am o obsesie
I admit I have an obsession
Fara etic’, e-un magnet
Without ethics, she's a magnet
N-are regrete si-are
She has no regrets, she has..
Atat de ferm absoarbe
Absorbs so firmly
Cum poa’ sa minta si s-o cred
How can she lie and make me believe her
Cum poa’ sa ma faca sa sper
How can she make me get hopes
Nu sunt nici moale de fel
I'm not such a soft kind either
Se vede in privire
It can be seen in her eyes
Ajung si eu pe lista ei
I'm gonna get on her list too
In buzunar la spate
At her back poket
Are o lista de pacate
She has a sins list
Si cand se face noapte
And when it's night
O sa trecem prin toate
We will get through everything
Trecem prin toate
Get through everything
Haine aruncate
Clothes thrown off
Cu gesturi disperate
With desperate gestures
O lista de pacate
A sins list
O sa trecem prin toate
We will get through everything
Trecem prin toate, eh…
Get through everything, eh