Translation of the song Luna Plina artist Liviu Teodorescu


Luna Plina

English translation

Full moon

Imi vine sa strig

I feel like shouting

Dar strigatele pe buze se sting

But the cries on my lips extinguish

Cand energiile noastre se-ating

When our energies touch

Am niste stari de nu pot sa-mi explic

I have some states which I can't explain to myself

Si simt ca m-apasa

And I feel like it weighs down on me

Pentru ca inca mi-e noaptea mireasa

Because the night is still my bride

Pentru ca dac-o vad ii cad in plasa

Because if I see her, I fall into her net

Tine lumina aprinsa in casa

Keep the light on at home

Inchide usa la intrare

Close the door at the entrance

Pune la geamuri zavoare

Deadbolt all the windows

Ca ispita e mare

Because the temptation is large

Afara-i frig si-i luna plina

Outside it's cold and the moon is full

Si demonii ies la lumina

And the demons come out into the light

Iubire, tine-ma aproape

Love, hold me close

Sa nu m-avant si eu in noapte

So that I don't also soar in the night

Afara-i frig si-i luna plina

Outside it's cold and the moon is full

Din cer cad picaturi de vină

From the sky fall drops of blame

Iubire, tine-ma aproape

Love, hold me close

Sa nu m-avant si eu in noapte

So that I don't also soar in the night

Simt cum instinctele mele se-aprind

I feel how my instincts light up

Iar judecatile mele se sting

And my judgments extinguish

Nu vreau sa te vad din nou suferind

I don't want to see you suffering again

Inchide usa la intrare

Close the door at the entrance

Pune la geamuri zavoare

Deadbolt all the windows

Ca ispita e mare

Because the temptation is large

Afara-i frig si-i luna plina

Outside it's cold and the moon is full

Si demonii ies la lumina

And the demons come out into the light

Iubire, tine-ma aproape

Love, hold me close

Sa nu m-avant si eu in noapte

So that I don't also soar in the night

Afara-i frig si-i luna plina

Outside it's cold and the moon is full

Din cer cad picaturi de vină

From the sky fall drops of blame

Iubire, tine-ma aproape

Love, hold me close

Sa nu m-avant si eu in noapte

So that I don't also soar in the night

Toate ielele adunate intr-un loc

All the Iele1 assembled in one place

Se tot agita sa ma traga intr-un joc

They all clamor to drag me into a game

Eu dau cu apa, ele dau cu foc

I shoot water, they blast fire

Tu, tine-ma de mana bine

You, hold me tightly by the hand

Nu stiu cat ne mai tine

I don't know how much longer it will hold us

Si vocile lor imi spun

And their voices tell me

Sa te las balta si sa plec de nebun

To give up on you and go crazy

Eu dau cu apa, ele fac totul scrum

I shoot water, they turn everything to ash

Tu, tine-ma de mana bine, bine

You, hold me tightly, tightly by the hand

Afara-i frig si-i luna plina

Outside it's cold and the moon is full

Si demonii ies la lumina

And the demons come out into the light

Iubire, tine-ma aproape

Love, hold me close

Sa nu m-avant si eu in noapte

So that I don't also soar in the night

Afara-i frig si-i luna plina

Outside it's cold and the moon is full

Din cer cad picaturi de vină

From the sky fall drops of blame

Iubire, tine-ma aproape

Love, hold me close

Sa nu m-avant si eu in noapte…

So that I don't also soar in the night . . .

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