Translation of the song Muzele artist Liviu Teodorescu
Sa stii ca ma inspiri mai mult decat muzele
Know that you inspire me more than muses
Ca ochii tai imi spun mai mult decat buzele
That your eyes tell me much more than your lips
Sa stii ca nu vreau sa-ti ascult toate scuzele
Know that I don't want to hear all your apologies
Te vreau din ce in ce mai mult, mai mult
I want you more and more, more
Come closer
Cand te uiti in ochii mei
When you look in my eyes
Te uiti in inima mea
You look into my heart
Ma pierd in fata ta
I lose myself in front of you
Si ma simt high
And I feel high
As face numai ce vrei
I'd only do what you want
As spune doar ce ai vrea
I'd only say what you'd like me to say
Doar sa te pot avea
Just to be able to have you
Sa stii ca ma inspiri mai mult decat muzele
Know that you inspire me more than muses
Ca ochii tai imi spun mai mult decat buzele
That your eyes tell me much more than your lips
Sa stii ca nu vreau sa-ti ascult toate scuzele
Know that I don't want to hear all your apologies
Te vreau din ce in ce mai mult, mai mult
I want you more and more, more
Come closer
Tu stii tot ce vreau sa zic
You know everything I want to say
Chiar daca nu zic nimic
Even if I don't say anything
Chiar ne leaga ceva
There's really something connecting us
Si ma simt high
And I feel high
Chiar daca n-am luat nimic
Even if I haven't taken anything
You give me the hell of the trip
You give me the hell of the trip
Vreau sa vorbesc pe limba ta
I want to speak your language
Sa stii ca ma inspiri mai mult decat muzele
Know that you inspire me more than muses
Ca ochii tai imi spun mai mult decat buzele
That your eyes tell me much more than your lips
Sa stii ca nu vreau sa-ti ascult toate scuzele
Know that I don't want to hear all your apologies
Te vreau din ce in ce mai mult, mai mult
I want you more and more, more
Come closer...
Sa stii ca ma inspiri mai mult decat muzele
Know that you inspire me more than muses
Ca ochii tai imi spun mai mult decat buzele
That your eyes tell me much more than your lips
Sa stii ca nu vreau sa-ti ascult toate scuzele
Know that I don't want to hear all your apologies
Te vreau din ce in ce mai mult, mai mult
I want you more and more, more
Come closer...