Translation of the song Safe artist Liviu Teodorescu
E safe treaba
The business is safe
Tie-ti fug ochii doar dupa Balenciaga
You only have eyes for Balenciaga
E, e safe treaba
The, the business is safe
Atenta doar la Gucci, cum sa agati Prada
You only pay attention to Gucci, how to get Prada
E safe treaba
The business is safe
Tie-ti fug ochii doar dupa Balenciaga
You only have eyes for Balenciaga
E, e safe treaba
The, the business is safe
Atenta doar la Gucci, cum sa agati Prada
You only pay attention to Gucci, how to get Prada
Daca noi doi am fi un brand
If the two of us were a brand
Ar plange in pumni orice portofel
Any purse would cry in its fists
Am fi de lux, primul loc pe trend
We would be deluxe, on top of trending
Primul loc pe trend
On top of trending
Ia-ma de mana, babe
Take me by the hand, babe
Ca te privesc hienele
Because the hyenas are looking at you
Cum ma intorc eu cu spatele
How I turn my back
Dar nu-mi fac griji ca tu stii ce vrei
But I'm not worried, because you know what you want
Tu stii ce vrei, am incredere
You know what you want, I have faith
Toti vin cu fake-uri, nu le merge
Everyone comes with fakes, it doesn't go too hot
Sa te imbete cu apa rece
Get drunk on cold water
Toti vin cu fake-uri, poa' sa-ncerce
Everyone comes with fakes, maybe they try
Dar nu te misca nimic
But don't move at all
Nu te misca nimic
Don't move at all
E safe treaba
The business is safe
Tie-ti fug ochii doar dupa Balenciaga
You only have eyes for Balenciaga
E, e safe treaba
The, the business is safe
Atenta doar la Gucci, cum sa agati Prada
You only pay attention to Gucci, how to get Prada
E safe treaba
The business is safe
Tie-ti fug ochii doar dupa Balenciaga
You only have eyes for Balenciaga
E, e safe treaba
The, the business is safe
Atenta doar la Gucci, cum sa agati Prada
You only pay attention to Gucci, how to get Prada
Daca noi doi am fi un brand
If the two of us were a brand
Ne-am sparge banii fara sa ma-ntreb
We would blow a lot of money without me wondering
Mi-ar zice lumea ca nu sunt intreg
The world would tell me that I'm not whole
Dar eu sunt intreg
But I'm whole
Cand te am in brate, babe
When I have you in my arms, babe
Toti astia care incearca n-au habar ca tie
All these people who try don't have any idea that you
Iti place numai ce-i original, si mie
You only like what's original, and I
Imi place tot ce iese din tipar, e clar
I like everything outside the box, it's clear
Ia-ma de mana, babe
Take me by the hand, babe
Toti vin cu fake-uri, nu le merge
Everyone comes with fakes, it doesn't go too hot
Sa te imbete cu apa rece
Get drunk on cold water
Toti vin cu fake-uri, poa' sa-ncerce
Everyone comes with fakes, maybe they try
Dar nu te misca nimic
But don't move at all
Nu te misca nimic
Don't move at all
E safe treaba
The business is safe
Tie-ti fug ochii doar dupa Balenciaga
You only have eyes for Balenciaga
E, e safe treaba
The, the business is safe
Atenta doar la Gucci, cum sa agati Prada
You only pay attention to Gucci, how to get Prada
E safe treaba
The business is safe
Tie-ti fug ochii doar dupa Balenciaga
You only have eyes for Balenciaga
E, e safe treaba
The, the business is safe
Atenta doar la Gucci, cum sa agati Prada
You only pay attention to Gucci, how to get Prada