Translation of the song Sare coarda artist Liviu Teodorescu


Sare coarda

English translation

Jumps rope



Când intră beat-ul, sare coarda

When the beat comes in, she jumps rope

Are probleme cu mansarda

She has problems with the attic

De-a v-ați ascunselea prin patul tău

Hide and seek through your bed

Îți face bine până-ți vine rău (×2)

It's good for you until the bad comes for you (x2)



Dimineața joacă șotron pe nervii mei

Morning plays hopscotch on my nerves

Iar până seara mă face avion de hârtie

And until evening makes me into a paper airplane

Îi împrumută lui Cupidon săgețile

She borrows Cupid's arrows

Și mă atinge la corazon, otrava ei

And her poison touches my heart

D'are ceva ce mă ține încă în preajma ei

But she has something which keeps me around her

Are un fel de a ma privi, are vraja ei

She has a way of looking at me, she has her charms

Ceva ce mă ține departe de alte femei

Something which keeps me far from other women

Cel mai tare mă rupe reacția ei

Her reaction breaks me the most



Când intră beat-ul, sare coarda

When the beat comes in, she jumps rope

Are probleme cu mansarda

She has problems with the attic

De-a v-ați ascunselea prin patul tău

Hide and seek through your bed

Îți face bine până-ți vine rău (×2)

It's good for you until the bad comes for you (x2)



Am un ochi in X, am un ochi in O

I have one eye on X, I have one eye on O

Se dă cu rolele prin capul meu

They rollerblade through my head

Se-învârte și mi-e rău

They spin and it's bad for me

Are prea multă inchis

She has too much closed

Are pielea bibelou

She has ceramic skin

Sare coarda când e beat-ul blană,

She jumps rope when the beat is fresh,

Sare, sare, sare.

Jumps, jumps, jumps.

Stai așa puțin, mama

Stay like this for a bit, mama

Nu mă controla ca vama

Don't control me like the border

Zici că ești baba oarba

You say that you're Marco Polo

Ho, că mi se-albește barba

Whoa, because my beard is whitening

Eu de tine n-o să scap vreodată

I won't ever be free of you

Ne jucăm doar cum vrei tu

We play just as you like

De fapt ce zice ea, că știu c-atunci

In fact what she says, because I know that then



Când intră beat-ul, sare coarda

When the beat comes in, she jumps rope

Are probleme cu mansarda

She has problems with the attic

De-a v-ați ascunselea prin patul tău

Hide and seek through your bed

Îți face bine până-ți vine rău (×2)

It's good for you until the bad comes for you (x2)



Sare coada, sare coarda,

She jumps rope, jumps rope

E evindent că are fizic fata.

It's evident that the girl has a physique.

Sare coarda, sare coarda,

She jumps rope, jumps rope

E evindent, o stie toată strada.

It's evident, the whole street knows it.

Sare coarda, sare coarda,

She jumps rope, jumps rope,

N-o hidratează toată limonada,

All the lemonade can't hydrate her,

Că sare, sare, sare, sare

For she jumps, jumps, jumps



Când intră beat-ul, sare coarda

When the beat comes in, she jumps rope

Are probleme cu mansarda

She has problems with the attic

De-a v-ați ascunselea prin patul tău

Hide and seek through your bed

Îți face bine până-ți vine rău (×2)

It's good for you until the bad comes for you (x2)

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