Translation of the song Tot ce n-ai facut artist Liviu Teodorescu
Tot ce n-ai facut
All the things you've never done
As vrea sa stau cuminte
I'd like to stay quiet
Dar nu am cum sa iti spun nu
But I can not tell you no
Faci ce faci si pana la urma uite
You do what you do and eventually look
Facem cum spui tu
We do as you say
Esti atat de buna
You're so good
Dar atat de rea
But so bad
Baby in seara asta iti dau voie
Baby tonight I'll let you
Sa fii sefa mea
Be my boss
Sa fie liniste
To be quiet
Dar tu nu vrei sa tac
But you do not want to shut up
Cand imi spui sa vorbesc murdar
When you tell me to talk so dirty
Stii bine nu am ce sa fac
You know I have nothing to do
Iti dau filme asa cum nu ai mai vazut
I give you movies as you have never seen before
Cu mine poti sa faci tot,
With me you can do everything,
Tot ce n-ai facut
All the things you've never done
Stii tot ce n-ai facut
You know everything you did not do
Hai tot ce n-ai facut
Everything you did not do
Cu mine poti sa faci tot,
With me you can do everything,
Tot ce n-ai facut
All you did not do
Stiu ca par cuminte asa de felul meu
I know I look so good this is my way
Stiu ca tu preferi genul mai derbedeu
I know you prefer the most deranged genre
Uite ce gandesti asculta-ma umpic
Here's what you mean, listen to me a bit
Hai pana la tine sa intelegi ce vreau sa zic
Come on till you understand what I mean
Tu ma musti usor de buza
You bite my lip slightly
Te ajut sa scapi de bluza
I'm helping you get rid of the blouse
O facem ca in vise
We do that like in the dreams
Ca in filme interzise
Like in forbidden movies
Si din ochi ma rogi frumos
And with the eyes, you ask me nicely.
Sa cobor usor in jos
To get down slightly
Apoi deodata tremuri toata
Then suddenly you tremble all
Si-mi spui ca ma mai vrei o data
And you tell me you want me again
Si-mi spui ca ma mai vrei o data
And you tell me you want me again
Stii tot ce n-ai facut
You know everything you did not do
Hai tot ce n-ai facut
Everything you've never done
Cu mine poti sa faci tot,
With me you can do everything,
Tot ce n-ai facut
all the things you've never done