Vreau sa te, fara sa ne complicam
I want to, without complicating things
Vreau sa te, fara sa ne anturam
I want to, without surrounding ourselves
Nu-i corect, am obligatiile mele dar am si fantezii
It's not right, I have my obligations but I also have my fantasies
Si o sa fii femeia mea pentru ca vreau sa te
And you'll be my woman, because I want to
Fara sa ne judecam
Without us judging ourselves
Vreau sa te patrund, sa ma corupi
I want to fill you, for you to corrupt me
Zero interes fata de legi, nu le aud
Zero interest in the laws, I don't hear them
Tu esti avocata baby, eu nu sunt drept
You're a lawyer, baby, I'm not legal
Durerea face ce nu e corect
The pain does what isn't correct
Amandoi vrem sa pacatuim, baby
We both want to sin, baby
Cu mainile la spate, haide sa vorbim, baby
With our hands behind our backs, let's talk, baby
Si tu si eu, suntem asteptati acasa
Both of us, are expected at home
Dar avem doar o viata
But we have just one life
Crezi ca-i pasa
You think that it cares?
Vreau sa te, fara sa ne complicam
I want to, without complicating things
Vreau sa te, fara sa ne anturam
I want to, without surrounding ourselves
Nu-i corect, am obligatiile mele dar am si fantezii
It's not right, I have my obligations but I also have my fantasies
Si o sa fii femeia mea pentru ca vreau sa te
And you'll be my woman, because I want to
Fara sa ne judecam
Without us judging ourselves
E clar ca fructul asta oprit are gust de nectar
It's clear that this forbidden fruit has the flavor of nectar
Normal, atunci cand joci dupa reguli e atat de banal
Normal, when you play by the rules, it's so banal
Murdar, secretul nostru ascuns are un singur final
Dirty, our hidden secret has just one ending
Acelasi loc, aceeasi ora, joaca daca intri in hora
Same place, same time, play if you enter this dance
Ce minciune spui acasa ca sa-ti pice iar in plasa
What lies you tell at home, so that you fall again
Vreau sa te, fara sa ne complicam
I want to, without complicating things
Vreau sa te, fara sa ne anturam
I want to, without surrounding ourselves
Nu-i corect, am obligatiile mele dar am si fantezii
It's not right, I have my obligations but I also have my fantasies
Si o sa fii femeia mea pentru ca vreau sa te
And you'll be my woman, because I want to
Fara sa ne judecam
Without us judging ourselves
Pe cat esti de buna, pe cat te-as f**e incontinuu
As good as you are, as much as I'd fuck you constantly
De cand te-am vazut pe insta, mi s-a derulat si filmul
Since I saw you on Insta, even my film has rewound
Eu is cu una, tu cu unu’, ma gandesc cum sa o facem
I'm with someone, you're with someone, I wonder how we can do it
Nu putem sa avem mai multe, dar putem doar sa ne-o tragem
We can't have more, but we can just bang
Stiu ca e aiurea, totul e f**ked up
I know that it's messed up, everything is fucked up
Tot se f*t unii cu altii, eu ce naiba tre’ sa fac
Everyone fucks each other, what the hell am I supposed to do
Am fost baiat bun si mereu mi-am luat-o-n freza
I was a good boy and I always got my ass kicked
Dar acum nu mai sunt, esti aici si simt ca tre’ sa
But I'm not this way anymore, you're here and I feel that I need to
Vreau sa te, fara sa ne complicam
I want to, without complicating things
Vreau sa te, fara sa ne anturam
I want to, without surrounding ourselves
Nu-i corect, am obligatiile mele dar am si fantezii
It's not right, I have my obligations but I also have my fantasies
Si o sa fii femeia mea pentru ca vreau sa te
And you'll be my woman, because I want to
Fara sa ne judecam
Without us judging ourselves
Vreau, vreau…
I want, I want . . .