Translation of the song Gölj – Rüüdj – Ween artist National Anthems & Patriotic Songs
Gölj – Rüüdj – Ween
Gold - Red - Blue
Göljn as e hamel di samereen,
Golden days in summer
göljn as dåt eekerfälj,
Golden as an autumn field
än göljn as dåt häär foon min Anemaleen,
And golden as the hair of my Anemaleen
wat san we duch rik heer foon gölj.
Full of gold and happiness in our world
Rüüdj as e san än lååket sü swätj,
Red as the sun, which laughs so beautifully
rüüdj san da kliiwere uk,
Red is the blooming clover
än rüüdj san da siike foon min latj brädj;
And red as the cheeks of my little bride
dåt as wälj for liiwde än luk.
That is for work, for love, and thinking
Ween as dåt wååder bai dik än doom,
Blue as the water as far as we can see
ween as e luft ouer üs,
Blue as the sky over us
än ween san da uugne foon min latj foom;
And so blue, like the eyes of my little girl
e trou as önj Fraschlönj tu hüs.
And true as our love to our homeland
Joo, üüsen foone, di as sü smuk,
You, do you see, high in the wind
sü smuk as min Anamaleen;
Just above my Anamaleen
än wansch ik en mansche trou, liiwde än luk,
So I wish you much faith, like a thought
sü flåg ik ma gölj, rüüdj än ween.
I see the flag in gold, red, and blue