Translation of the song Cat Poti Tu De Tare artist B.U.G. Mafia


Cat Poti Tu De Tare

English translation

As hard as you can

Refren: (x2) (Bodo)

Chorus x2

Tu ai vrut de cand ai crescut

You wanted since you've grown

Sa arati din ce esti facut…

To show from what you're made of

A venit momentul sa stii

Had come the moment for you to know ...

Oare cat de tare poti fi…

How tough ya can be !!

Strofa I (Caddillac)

Verse 1

Hai arata ca poti, lasa-i masca pe toti

Come , go ahead and show that ya can , amaze them all

Si loveste-i sa lesine pe corzi…

And hit'em , to see them fainted on the strings

Trimite-i la casat, ca pe niste rable la REMAT,

Send them to despair, like some wrek at the scrapyard

Sa-nteleaga c-au intrat pe teren minat…

Them to understand that they've walked in minefield

Ai talent, trebuie sa porti coroana,

You are talented, ya must wear the crown

Stiu, drumu’ e lung ca Panamericana,

I know , the road is long like Panamericana

Schimba panaroma, nu ai ce sa pierzi,

Change the panorama, ya don't have what to lose

Mai ales cand ai ceva in care sa crezi…

Especially when ya have something in which to believe !!

Trage-i in teapa, frate, la fel ca lepes

Impale 'em on sticks, same like Tepes

Ca sa curga A.D.N.-u’ pe pres, sa iasa cash…

To flow the D.N.A on the carpet , to get the cash

Cineva, va rog, sa rosteasca sume

Someone please go on and shout some stake

Ca baiatu’ meu e hotarat sa-si faca nume…

'Cause ma boy is decided to make a name

Nu e timp de glume, citeste adversaru’

No time for jokes, read the competitor !...

Si unde doare cel mai tare da cu paru’,

And where pains the most,...hit it with the bat !

Loveste cu ciocanu’, preia controlu’

Hit with the hammer, take the control

Daca vrei sa-ti asiguri viitoru’… da tare!

If ya want to assure your future .....go hard !!!!

Refren: (x2) (Bodo)

Chorus (X2)

Tu ai vrut de cand ai crescut

You wanted since you've grown

Sa arati din ce esti facut…

To show from what you're made of

A venit momentul sa stii

Had come the moment for you to know ...

Oare cat de tare poti fi…

How tough ya can be !!

Strofa a II-a (Uzzi)


Poti sa lupti si sa pierzi sau sa pierzi oricum,

Ya can fight and lose, or you can LOSE Either way

Asa ca da-le sa sara… Da, da-le sa sara…

So , smash them hard , ...Yeah, smash them hard !!

Da-le noapte de Arad si beton de Bucuresti,

Give them the night of Arad and the concrete of Bucharest

Da, da-le sa sara, da-le sa sara…

Yeah, smash them hard, smash them hard !!!

Da perversa de Craiova serios ca-n Moldova

Give the perverse of Craiova seriously like in Moldova style

Ca sa stie toti jegosii cine este la prova…

Let them know , all the sucker* who's in charge

Faci tot ce faci sa faci si sa faci bine,

Ya make all you do, to make and to make it dope

Nu te dai in spate nici cu glont dupa tine…

You don't step back, not even with a bullet upon ya back !!

Din saracie rea, mai rau nu o sa fie…

From bad poverty , more bad won't be

Ai simtit ce ai trait… Esti lacrimi si nebunie…

Ya felt what ya're tears and crazyness

Si nu-i lasa ca vor sa-ti ia

And don't let them!,.. 'cause they want to take from ya

Tot ce-a mai ramas drag in inima ta…

All that's left dear in ya soul ..

Da, e chiar asa, cu sau fara motiv,

Yeah , is really like that , with or without reason

Or’ intentiona sau nu, da-le nu doar instinct

On purpose or not, give it to them only what ya feel

Ca nu suntem tari de cap, dar avem capu’ tare

'Cause we're not heavy heads, but we have the tough head

Si nu suntem doar bagabonti, o dam tare…

And we're not only thughs, ...we throw it hard !!!

Refren: (x2) (Bodo)

Chorus (X2)

Tu ai vrut de cand ai crescut

You wanted since you've grown

Sa arati din ce esti facut…

To show from what you're made of

A venit momentul sa stii

Had come the moment for you to know ...

Oare cat de tare poti fi…

How tough ya can be !!

Strofa a III-a (Tataee)


Inima bate, sangele fierbe,

The heart's pumping, blood's boiling

Pregatiti imediat cateva jerbe

Go on prepare at once a few wreaths

Ca unii o sa afle ca prezentu’ e crud

'Cause some will find out that the present is cruel

Si ca azi durerea doare, nu e ca la Hollywood…

And that nowadays the pain hurts , ..isn't like on Holywood !

Repet, durerea tre’ sa doara,

I repeat, the pain must hurt ...

Sa te compare cu o bomba nucleara,

To make you comparable with a nuclear bomb

Si toate javrele s-astupe urechile,

And all the sleazes to cover up their ears

S-ascunda privirile, sa-si inghita vorbele…

To hide away their looks , to eat their words!!

La adversari sa le dea eroare

At Opponets, to give them error

Ca n-au stiut vreodata ce inseamna devastare,

'Cause never they seen a real devastation

Sa se lase cu-ntuneric la mansarda,

To blind them out

Sa-si ia limba-n gura toti cu cate-o targa…

Make them all kissing a stretcher

Joaca-te cu mintea lor,

Play with their mind ...

Sa uite cum ii cheama, cine sunt si ce vor…

Them to forget their name, who they are and what they want

Toaca-i marunt, mic de tot, compot…

Chopp them little by little ...

Fa-le cea mai tare groapa, tare, tare de tot…

Make them the finest pit, finest, finest as fuc*!!

Refren: (x2) (Bodo)

Chorus (X2)

Tu ai vrut de cand ai crescut

You wanted since you've grown

Sa arati din ce esti facut…

To show from what you're made of

A venit momentul sa stii

Had come the moment for you to know ...

Oare cat de tare poti fi…

How tough ya can be !!

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