Translation of the song Cine e cu noi artist B.U.G. Mafia


Cine e cu noi

English translation

Who's with us


{Chorus 1}

Cine e cu noi striga 'O-O'!

Who's with us shout oooo!

Cine e cu noi striga 'O-O'!

Who's with us shout oooo!

Cine e cu noi striga 'O-O'!

Who's with us shout oooo!

Cine e cu Mafia striga 'O-O!

Who's with the Mafia shout oooo!


{First stanza}

Dau 3000 de gabori pe 30 de femei

I exchange 3000 cops for 30 women

Care sa striga tare 'Uzzi isi bate joc de ei. '

who will shout lout and clear Uzzi is making fun of them.

Ziaristii in continuare preseaza despre noi

The press is still writing about us,

Nu ne-ati facut voi, v-am facut noi pe voi

you didnt made us, we made you.

Fraierii o ard la modul 'frate, sunt tari'

Suckers say something like bro, they're goood,

Dar nu se poate, sunt drogati, se dau si mari

but you cant have it like that, they use licentious language, they too full of themselfs.

Dau 2000 de joint-uri la douaj' de baieti

I give 2000 joints to 20 boys

Care sa va rupa capul si mai vedeti ce scrieti

to break your heads in, so that you mind what you write,

Stil mafiot, la fel ca-n '98

Mafia style, like in 1998,

Fetele se freaca pe hip-hop in club

girls rub on you, dancing on hip-hop in the club.

E 20-02, (e aproape la fel)

It's 2002 (it's almost the same),

Se procedeaza la fel, (dar la un alt nivel)

you act the same (but on another level).

Un fel de Tony Montana in Romania

Some sort of Tony Montana in Romania,

Fac tot posibilul sa evit puscaria

I do everything i can to dodge jail,

Ca Leonard Doroftei sunt campion mondial

just like Lenoard Doroftei, i'm world's champion,

Ma aflu in treaba fara adversar.

I do my business and i have no rival.


{Chorus 2}

Priveste bine pe langa tine

Take a good look around you,

Ca ai putea sa intelegi ceva

maybe you can understand something,

Ai grija ce faci, cu cine te bagi

Take care what you do, who you involve yourself with

Si vezi cum poti sa fii peste toti.

and see how you can top them all.


{Chorus 1}


{Stanza 2}

An dupa an cu banu' pe primu' plan

Year after year, my priority is money,

Reprezint baietii care au dolaru' in buzunar

I reprezent those that have a dollar in their pocket,

Fac istorie in plina glorie, pun pe foaie operatiunea Casa

I make history in full glory, I make plans for Casa Op

Cu Uzzi si Tataie, fara ei nu stiu cum as fi trait

alongside Uzii and Tataie, I dont know how i would've lived without them.

Fara bani, fara microfon, fara BUG

Without money, without a mic, without BUG

As fi fost ca Dracula fara sange

I would've been just like Dracula without blood,

Ca maestrul Lacatus fara minge

like the great Lacatus without football,

Sunt acelasi pe care tie-ti place sa-l urasti

I'm the same guy you like to hate,

Nascut si crescut pe strazile din Bucuresti

Born and raised on the streets of Bucharest.

Baieti cu doua fetze care vor sa te invete

There are many two faced men that want to teach you

Mai mult cum sa le dai decat sa iei,

about how you can give then something rather that get something.

Atentie! Teoria conspiratiei functioneaza.

Attention! The conspiracy theory is working,

Am baieti peste baietii la care apeleaza

i have their bosses on my payroll,

A venit si politia cu munitia

The police came with all their arsenal

Nimeni n-o sa poate sa opreasca Mafia.

but nobody can ever stop Mafia.


{Chorus 2}


{Chorus 1}


{Stanza 3}

Nu exista nici o limita la ce-as putea sa fac

There's no limit regarding what I can do,

Au trecut atatia ani, lectia o am in cap

so many years went by, I've learned my lesson,

Si sunt cateva treburi ce s-au schimbat in cartier

There are a few things that have changed in the hood,

Dar baietii sunt la fel, rechinii ies ca la apel

but the thugs are the same, sharks show up like they're invited,

Tot dupa bani, dupa ce le trebuie

still chasing money and everyting they need.

Cativa dintre ei stiu cand sa traga linie

Some of them know when to stop,

Fiindca scopul de a face bani aici nu s-a schimbat

the purpose of making money is still the same,

Dar metoda de a face bani a evoluat si s-au afilat

but the methods has evolved, and now they're affiliated with

La firme, organizatii, Internet

companies, organizations and the internet.

Tehnica a ajuns sa fie cea care face diferenta

The method is the one thing that makes the diference,

Dar multi nu si-au dat inca seama ca un celular

but many still dont realise that if you use your phone in the wrong way

Folosit gresit poate sa te-arunce la gropar

you can end in the pit.

Vezi tu.. Stii ca-n viata inseamna mult

You see... in life it means a lot

Sa te ridici in picioare doar cand ai ceva de spus

to stand out only when you have something good to say,

Ia-o ca pe-un sfat sau ia-o tu ca pe ce vrei

Take it like an advice or anything you want,

Eu si baietii mei suntem in mileniul III.

me and my boys are in the 3rd millenium.


{Chorus 2}


{Chorus 1}

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