Translation of the song Ingerii pierduti artist B.U.G. Mafia


Ingerii pierduti

English translation

Lost angels



Nu stie nimeni de ce ai rezistat pana azi

nobody knows why you have rezisted until today

Stii ca vine o zi cand din nou ai sa cazi

you know that a day comes when again you will fall

Dar ai ca mine (dar ai ca mine...)

but as me you have (but as same as me..)

Ingerii cu tine (ingerii cu tine...)

the angels with you ( the angels with you..)



Acasa-i altfel, sunt ai tai prezenti

is different at home, yours are present

Cand zic familie, e vorba de-ai mei

when i say familly, it about mines(his familly)

Si ma gandesc de fapt ce sunt fara

and i actually think what am i without

Tu zici fara, eu stiu cum e

you say without, i know how it's like

Despre bine de morti si despre bine de vii

about the deads only the good and about the vivids the good

Incerci sa fugi o viata intreaga, de ce

an entire life you try to run , why

Stii bine ca devii unul din ei, de-ai tai

you know very well that you become one of them, of yours

Care face la fel ca ei

that makes the same as them

Cand plangi ca ei, cand razi

that cryes as them, when you laugh

Speranta moare ultima

hope dies last

Oricum te-ajuta, e, stii bine, sa ramana asa

anyway it helps, is, you know it very well, to stay like this

Cand te-ai nascut incepi sa mori, respiri usor

when you are born you're starting to die, you breathe easily

Primul lucru esti departe, ti-e dor

the first thing you are away, you're missing

N-are cum sa se termine asa, te-ntorci acasa

it can't finish like this, you're coming back home

La fratii tai, la ale tale, nimic nu mai conteaza

to your brothers, to yours, nothing counts anymore

Este aceeasi distanta de la tine la ei

it's the same distance from you to them

Si inapoi, stii bine, anii par mai grei

and back, you know very well, years seems harder

Trece greu, tzighie, mi-e dor si mine

it passes by hard, tzighie(?), i fell craving too

Nu-ti gasesti confort cand altii nu-ti plac, nici mie

you can't find comfort when you don't like others, me neither

Ingerii tai raman cu tine chiar daca placa.

your angels stay with you even if they leave.





Asculta bine, obisnuiam sa fiu

listen to me well, i used to be

Unii dintre cei care n-au grija de ei

one of those which don't take care of themselves

Care nu prea stiu ce au in cap, nu prea stiu ce fac

which don't really know what's in their minds, don't really know what they're doing

Dar ingerii pierduti m-au ajutat

but the lost angels helped me

Sa nu ma impac cu gandul ca trebuie sa cad

not to deal with the thought that i have to fell

Ma intelegi chiar daca viitorul din trecut n-ai cum sa-l stergi

you understand me even if the future from the past you can't erase

Pentru mine familia a insemnat

for me familly meant

Mama mea, fratii mei cu adevarat

my mum, my brothers for real

Niciodata n-am uitat, ingerii nu m-ar lasa

i never forgot, the angels wouldn't let me

Sa uit de unde vin si de ce bate inima

to forget where i come from and why my heart beats

Viata mea acum s-a complicat

now my life has complicated

Am luat-o de la cap, ziceam ca s-a terminat

i took it from the beginning, i said it was over

Nu am vrut sa fie asa, cred ca nimeni nu ar vrea

i didn't wanted to be this way, i think nobody would want that

Raman doar cu speranta ca ceva se va intampla

i remain with the hope that something will happen

Ca va veni o zi cand din nou o sa zambesc

that a day will come when i will smile again

Astept in continuare si ma lupt sa reusesc.

i continue to wait and fight to succeed.





Atunci cand ramai doar tu iar ceilalti au plecat

the moment when you remain just yourself and the others have left

Cand viata te obliga sa o iei de la cap

when life forces you to start all over again

Inchide ochii si o sa realizezi

close your eyes and you'll realize

Ca ingerii pierduti te ajuta sa visezi

that lost angels help you to dream

Sa sper ca vei reusi sa nu te prabusesti

to hope that you'll succeed not to fall

Chiar daca nu s-a intamplat cum te-ai asteptat

even if it didn't happened as you expected to

Cand i-ai chemat intotdeaunaau venit

when you called they always came

Ei vor fi cu tïne pana la sfarsït.

they'll be with you until the end.

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