Translation of the song N-ai fost acolo artist B.U.G. Mafia


N-ai fost acolo

English translation

You were not there



De ce oare, de ce oare vorbesti tu despre mine?

Just why, why are you talking about me?

De ce oare, de ce oare ma pui la un loc cu tine?

Just why, why are you placing me on the same level with you?

Poate nu-mi dau seama, cine stie,

Maybe i cant figure it out, who knows,

Poate ai mancat cu mine din aceeasi farfurie!

Maybe me and you ate from the same plate!

O fut pe ma-ta! In fata mea nu ai cuvant

Fuck yo mama! In front of me you have no right to speak,

Nu ma cunosti deloc, habar nu ai cine sunt

Yo dont know me at all, you have no idea who i am.

Oare ai fi facut ca mine cand bateam pe la usi?

Did you do the same as me, when we were knocking on doors?

Oare te-ai fi simtit ca mine cand eram respinsi?

Have you felt the same as me when we were rejected by all?

Oare ai scris cumva in viata ta un vreun vers

Did you ever wrote a line

Pe care sa-l tipe o sala intreaga cand apari pe scena

That an entire hall will shout when you enter the scene.

Oare ai fi continuat cand la Severin

Would you had the balls to continue, back then in Severin

Treizeci de gabori au venit si ne-au incercuit?

When 30 cops have surrounded us?

Nu cred, asa ca taci din gura, nepoate,

I dont think so, so shut yo mouth, nephew!

Ti-o dau la muie, tie si tuturor ca tine.

Suck my dick, you and others like you!

Am zi ce am avut de zis, da-te-n mortii ma-tii!

I''ve said all i had to say, fuck you,

N-ai fost acolo, nu mai vorbi pentru ca nu stii!

You were not there, dont talk if you dont know nothing!

{Refren} (x2)

{Chorus} (x2)

N-ai fost acolo s-auzi tot ce-am auzit,

You were not there to hear what i've heard,

N-ai fost acolo sa vezi tot ce am vazut,

You were not there to see what i've seen,

N-ai fost acolo sa vezi tot ce am facut,

You were not there to see what i've done,

N-ai fost acolo sa vezi prin tot ce am trecut!

You were not there to see what i've experienced!



Am auzit ca fraierii ma vorbesc pe la spate.

I heard that suckers talk behind my back.

E chiar asa frate.

(It's like that, brother.)

Spui ca ma cunosti din '97,

You say you know me since '97,

Teapa ta, teapa ta, ca acum e '05,

It's you lost, your lost, now is 2005,

Tovarasii-s tovarasi si tu stii ca nu ai loc aici,

Homies are homies and there's no room for you,

Nu ma cunosti, nici nu stii ce am facut (yo)

You dont know me, you dont even know what i did (yo)

Nu ma cunosti, nici nu stii prin ce am trecut (yo)

You dont know me, you dont even know what i experienced (yo),

M-am zbatut, m-am batut, am furat si am vandut

I've struggled, i've fought, i've stole and sold

Sa fiu in rand cu baietii, asta-i tot ce am vrut.

To be be accepted by dem boys, that's all i wanted.

Te roade gelozia ca eu sunt mai tare,

You're envious that i'm better,

Pestele mic niciodata nu-l inghite pe cel mare,

The small fish will never swallow the big fish,

Te doare, unu' ca tine moare,

You cant stand it, someone like you will die,

(Stiu ca) fraierii cad mereu, baietii raman in picioare.

(I know that) suckers will always fall, real boys will keep standing.

Regula de strada este sa nu fi gelos

There's a rule on the street that says ya cant be envious

Pe cel ce a facut bani, dar a plecat de jos,

On somebody that made rich but started from the bottom,

Ma doare-n pula de barfa ta si oricum nu-ti suport fata,

I dont give a shit about ya running mouth and i cant stand yo face,

Tu-ti tocesti gura iar eu imi traiesc viata.

You wear out ya mouth while i live mah life.

{Refren} (x2)

{Chorus} (x2)



Multi bulangii se ridica cu pretentii, lasa ca stiu,

Many suckers have many demands, i know better,

Lasa-ma sa fiu, sa fiu, sa fiu viu

Let me be, to be, to be alive,

G-yeah, fraiere ti-am mai zis: sugi pula!

G-yeah, you sucker, i've already told you: suck my dick!

Sugi pula si cu curu' si cu gura,

Suck my dick with yo ass and yo mouth,

Ca n-ai fost la gaoaza mea ca sa stii ce am vandut,

Cuz you were not under my asshole to know what i've sold,

N-ai fost la gaoaza mea ca sa stii ce am futut,

You were not under my asshole to see who i've fucked,

N-ai fost la gaoaza mea ca sa stii cate-am vazut,

You were not under my asshole to know what i've seen,

N-ai fost acolo deci nu stii ce am facut.

You were not there so you dont know what i've done.

Am stat cu tarsa-n cur cand am vandut marijuana,

I was always on edge when i sold marijuana,

Dar tu pe vremea aia erai cacat cu Sana,

But at that time you were just a shit mix,

Am vazut cu ochii mei tovarasi cum se duc de rapa,

I've seen with my own eyes homies waste away.

A bagat in vena dava, era pe scena undeva.

He injected some heroine, right on the scene somewhere.

Rand pe rand scandaluri, multi din ei s-au dus,

Scandals after scandals, most of them died,

Mircea Nebunu, Dumnezeu sa-l ierte, m-aude acum de sus.

Mircea Nebunu, may God rest his soul, he hears me from Haven.

Ai simtit in viata ta durere? Zi, Ciolo!

Have you ever felt pain? Tell me, Ciolo!

De unde mortii tai sa stii cand tu n-ai fost acolo?

How the fuck would you know if you werent there?



Yo yo yo!

Yo, yo, yo!

Tot respectul in 2005

2005, Much respect

Pentru Socului, Baicului si capat 14, yo!

For Socului, Baicului 1 and and the last station of the 14 line2, yo!

Pentru baietii din cartierul Pantelimon, inc-odata,

For the boys from Pantelimon, once again,

Cei care au fost acolo,

For those who were there,

Pentru Mircea Nebunu, odihneasca-se in pace,

For Mircea Nebunu3, rest in peace,

Si pentru cei care n-au fost acolo:

And for those that were not there:



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