Translation of the song Phragmokontrolle (Spiralternativ: Fremdkörperson, drittens) artist ASP
Phragmokontrolle (Spiralternativ: Fremdkörperson, drittens)
Phragmocontrol (Spiralternative: Foreign Body, Third)
Rochen gleiten fliegend über dir durchs Dämmerlicht.
Rays glide, flying over you through the dim light.
Zerbrochen liegt das Wrack im grauen Schlick.
Broken lies the wreck in grey silt.
Die Flossen gleichen Schwingen, wirbeln Sand auf, wolkendicht.
Their fins, like wings, churn the sand into dense clouds.
Verschlossen bleibt der Lippenspalt zurück.
The cleft lips remain closed.
Ein Schwarm von ihnen zieht vorbei.
A swarm of them passes by.
Du greifst nach ihren Schweifen.
You reach towards their tails.
Genügt schon einer, du wärst frei,
One is enough, you would be free,
doch du kennst keinen greifen.
yet you do not know how to grip.
Rundherum. Rundherum. Rundherum.
Round and round. Round and round. Round and round.
Der Zeit entglitten.
Time slips away.
Rundherum. Rundherum. Rundherum.
Round and round. Round and round. Round and round.
zu deiner Mitte!
To your middle!
Rundherum. Rundherum. Warum?
Round and round. Round and round. Why?
Es bleibt verschwommen.
It remains blurry.
Rundherum. Rundherum. Rundherum.
Round and round. Round and round. Round and round.
Nie angekommen.
Never arrived.
In engen Grenzen aufgewachsen, immerzu bedrängt.
Raised in narrow confines, always under pressure.
Von Zwängen klein gehalten und bedrückt.
Kept small and oppressed by constraints.
Vielleicht zu wenig Kraft, vielleicht nicht richtig angestrengt.
Perhaps too little strength, perhaps incorrectly exerted.
Entweicht nur Atem, mehr ist nicht geglückt.
Only breath escapes, nothing more has succeeded.
Nach außen hin zu zart und scheu,
On the outside, too tender and shy,
nach innen nur Spiralen,
On the inside only spirals,
dem Sturz zur Mitte bleibst du treu
You stay true to the descent to your center
und allen deinen Schalen.
and to all of your shells.
Rundherum. Rundherum. Rundherum.
Round and round. Round and round. Round and round.
Der Zeit entglitten.
Time slips away.
Rundherum. Rundherum. Rundherum.
Round and round. Round and round. Round and round.
zu deiner Mitte!
To your middle!
Rundherum. Rundherum. Warum?
Round and round. Round and round. Why?
Es bleibt verschwommen.
It remains blurry.
Rundherum. Rundherum. Rundherum.
Round and round. Round and round. Round and round.
Nie angekommen.
Never arrived.
Kannst du nicht stehn,
If you cannot stand,
dann kriech davon im Sand!
then crawl upon the sand!
Wenn es zerbirst,
If it bursts,
dann wartet eine Küste
Then a coast awaits
auch auf dich.
you as well.
Es muss geschehn.
It must happen.
So lange ruft dich schon das Land.
You have long called out to the land.
Hier unten wirst
Down here
du bloß dein Dasein fristen.
you merely prolong your existence.
Los, zerbrich
Go, shatter
dein Schneckenhaus!
your snail-shell house!
Dein Schneckenhaus.
Your snail-shell house.
Dein Panzerhaus.
Your armored house.
Lass endlich alles raus!
Finally let it all out!
Rundherum. Rundherum. Rundherum.
Round and round. Round and round. Round and round.
Der Zeit entglitten.
Time slips away.
Rundherum. Rundherum. Rundherum.
Round and round. Round and round. Round and round.
zu deiner Mitte!
To your middle!
Rundherum. Rundherum. Warum?
Round and round. Round and round. Why?
Es bleibt verschwommen.
It remains blurry.
Rundherum. Rundherum. Rundherum.
Round and round. Round and round. Round and round.
Nie angekommen.
Never arrived.
Rundherum. Rundherum. Rundherum.
Round and round. Round and round. Round and round.
Bald schneller als das Licht!
Soon faster than the light!
Rundherum. Rundherum. Rundherum.
Round and round. Round and round. Round and round.
Kein Mittelpunkt in Sicht.
No centerpoint in sight.
Rundherum. Rundherum. Warum?
Round and round. Round and round. Why?
Bereit, dich zu verliern?
Ready to lose yourself?
Rundherum. Rundherum. Rundherum.
Round and round. Round and round. Round and round.
Wann wirst du implodiern?
When will you implode?