Translation of the song 僕、実は artist Shishamo
Actually, I...
最近落ち込み気味の君 話題はもっぱら別れたあの子
Recently the you that is feeling sad is solely talking about that girl that splited up
毎晩僕の携帯は 君のため息をひたすら届ける
Every night my cell sends anything but your sigh
Sooner or later, the you with tearful voice will laught something like That's pathetic!
「聞いてくれてありがと」なんて 僕との電話を無理矢理終える
or Thanks for listening at me. I will finish the cell that is with me off
でもね、ごめん、僕実は 黙ってたけど、
However, I apologize... Actually, I have been quiet,
Actually, I...
Someday I will must say it
The time will decide for us
最低なのはわかってるけど どちらか一つは選べないんだ
The worst was that I comprehended... That you can't decide either one or the other
だから、ごめん、いまのこと 君には全部、黙っとく
So, sorry for this... For letting you totally in silence
仕方がないのさ 僕だって同じ ただあの子のこと好きなだけ
You know that it's inevitable. It's the same even for me. It's just that you liked that girl
仕方がないのさ 僕のせいじゃない 選んだのはあの子なんだから
You know that it's inevitable. It's not my fault. Beacuse the chosen one was that girl
仕方がないのさ 君といるよりも あの子は幸せそうなんだよ
You know that it's inevitable. It's better than being with you. That girl looks happy
仕方がないのさ フラフラしてた
You know that it's inevitable. I was dizzy
君が結局悪いのさ だから僕のこと、許してくれよ
After all you were the villain. So I forgive you