Translation of the song Light my fire artist (G)I-DLE
Light my fire
Light my fire
Dumdatara dumdata
Dumdatara dumdata
Dumdatara dumdata
Dumdatara dumdata
Dumdatara dumdata
Dumdatara dumdata
Dumdatara dum
Dumdatara dum
Wow! ありきたりな誘いじゃ
Wow! These ordinary temptations
Don't sway me
覚悟してよ Baby (No no baby)
Prepare yourself, baby (no no baby)
Before someone steals it away,
Show me your earnest love
痺れるような Passion (Show me passion)
Like an electrifying passion (show me passion)
そう特別に (特別に)
Yeah, you make me think (you make me think)
思わせてよ (思わせて)
It's something special (something special)
ねぇホントは 私の気持ちに
Hey, be honest, have you noticed
気づいてる? (I think about you)
My feelings? (I think about you)
Ah 待たせないで ハヤク仕掛けてよ
Ah, don't keep me waiting, let's get started
ドキドキしてるうちに (Coming over me)
I'm getting more and more excited (coming over me)
Baby light my fire もっとキテ Hurry up
Baby, light my fire, keep it coming, hurry up
I wanna get you 逃がさないわ
I wanna get you, you can't escape
I wanna get you 私のもの
I wanna get you, you're mine
Baby light my fire もっとハート Heat up
Baby, light my fire, heat up my heart more
I wanna 強引でいいから
I wanna, it's okay to be forceful
(I wanna feel your love)
(I wanna feel your love)
答え Yes or no でしょ
Answer me, is it yes or no?
Move on right now (Just let me know)
Move on right now (just let me know)
もう今しかない Let’s go
All we have is now, let's go
Oh fire
Oh fire
You can't compare with anyone else
Drop the flirtatious acts,
そういうのが Feeling no good (No no thank you)
They don't feel good (no no thank you)
Don't beat around the bush
There's no room for that, don't you think?
真っ直ぐに Tell me your heart (Tell me your heart)
Be straightforward and tell me your heart (tell me your heart)
Hey, be honest
どうにかしたいなら (Oh no)
If you want to do it some way (oh no)
今すぐに (Can’t wait any more)
Right now (can't wait any more)
(今すぐに Yeah)
(Right now, yeah)
Ah 焦らさないで はっきりして欲しい
Ah, don't tease me, I want you to cut to the chase
ハラハラしてるうちに (Coming over you)
I'm getting more and more thrilled (coming over you)
Baby light my fire もっとホット Burning love
Baby, light my fire, make my burning love hotter
(Oh burning love)
(Oh burning love)
I wanna get you 最高の
I wanna get you, you give me
I wanna get you 恋にしてよ
I wanna get you, the best form of love
Baby light my fire もっと感じたいな
Baby, light my fire, I want to feel it more
I wanna 独り占めしたいの
I wanna have it all to myself
(I wanna hold your love)
(I wanna hold your love)
恋の Countdown don’t stop
Love's countdown, don't stop
Move on right now (Just let me know)
Move on right now (Just let me know)
今抱きしめて Let’s go
Hold me close now, let's go
Oh fire
Oh fire
Dumdatara dumdata
Dumdatara dumdata
Dumdatara dumdata
Dumdatara dumdata
Dumdatara dumdata
Dumdatara dumdata
Dumdatara dum
Dumdatara dum
Dumdatara dumdata
Dumdatara dumdata
Dumdatara dumdata
Dumdatara dumdata
Dumdatara dumdata
Dumdatara dumdata
Dumdatara dum
Dumdatara dum
Baby light my fire もっとキテ Hurry up
Baby, light my fire, keep it coming, hurry up
I wanna get you 逃がさないわ
I wanna get you, you can't escape
I wanna get you 私のもの
I wanna get you, you're mine
Baby light my fire もっとハート Heat up
Baby, light my fire, heat up my heart more
I wanna 強引でいいから
I wanna, it's okay to be forceful
(I wanna feel your love)
(I wanna feel your love)
答え Yes or no でしょ
Answer me, is it yes or no?
Move on right now (Just let me know)
Move on right now (just let me know)
もう今しかない Let’s go
All we have is now, let's go
Oh fire
Oh fire
Baby light my fire もっとホット Burning love
Baby, light my fire, make my burning love hotter
(Oh burning love yeah)
(Oh burning love)
I wanna get you 最高の
I wanna get you, you give me
I wanna get you 恋にしてよ
I wanna get you, the best form of love
Baby light my fire もっと感じたいな
Baby, light my fire, I want to feel it more
(Oh light my fire oh no no)
(Oh light my fire oh no no)
I wanna 独り占めしたいの
I wanna have it all to myself
(I wanna hold your love)
(I wanna hold your love)
恋の Countdown don’t stop
Love's countdown, don't stop
Move on right now (Just let me know)
Move on right now (Just let me know)
今抱きしめて Let’s go
Hold me close now, let's go
Oh fire
Oh fire