Translation of the song 한 (一) artist (G)I-DLE
한 (一)
HANN (한 (—)) Alone
Do you remember you remember
Do you remember you remember
Remember what you said (said)
Remember what you said (said)
너는 내게 뭐든 줄 것처럼 말을 건넸다 (건넸다)
You talked to me as if you were going to give me anything
Don’t you remember you remember
Don’t you remember you remember
Remember what you said (said)
Remember what you said (said)
너는 마치 무슨 약을 먹은 마냥 변했다
Like some kind of drug that has forever changed you
드리워진 Blue 내 흐려지는 눈
Casted blue in my eyes, my blurred vision
진짜 Is this true 후회 안 하냐고
Really is this true, I said I won't regret it
내 어제의 My boo boo boo
My yesterday my boo boo boo
Lonely life 좋아
Lonley life, I like it
다 삼켜버린 물 난 식어버린 듯
I've swallowed the water, it's like I've cooled off
I want you to be ruined 붙잡지 않아 끝
I want you to be ruined, I won't hold you
넌 어제의 My boo boo boo
You're yesterday my boo boo boo
Lonely life 잘 가
Lonely life, live well
차갑게 나를 본다 남인 듯 돌아선다
When you see me,you coldly act like you don't know me and turn away
난 멍하니 서있다
I was blankly standing there
몰랐던 너를 봤다 그저 웃음만 나온다
I didn't know you when I saw you, that's right, I'll only smile because now
난 이제 너를 몰라
I don't know you
널 잊으리라 Woo woo woo
I will forget you Woo woo woo
저리 가 오지 마 돌아보지도 말아
Go away, don't come near me, don't ever look back
널 지우리라 Woo woo woo
I will erase you Woo woo woo
저리 가 오지 마 돌아보지도 말아
Go away, don't come near me, don't ever look back
Do you remember you remember
Do you remember you remember
Remember what you said (said)
Remember what you said (said)
나는 어떤 말도 못 해본 채 너를 보냈다 (보냈다)
No matter the words I say I can't pretend, I just let you go
Do you remember you remember
Do you remember you remember
Remember what you said (said)
Remember what you said (said)
나는 마치 무슨 약을 먹은 마냥 변했다
Like some kind of drug that has forever changed me
다 변했다
Everything changed
또 흔한 사랑처럼 뻔했다
Again, like a common love, it was so clear
굶주린 사자처럼 너는 날 너무 원했다
Like a hungry lion you wanted me so bad
손짓과 건넨 말
Your gestures and words
거짓말이었다면 넌 세상 제일 못됐다
If it was a lie, you would be the worst one
그런 거지 다 똑같지
Just like all that, everything is still the same
엄마가 했던 말 전부 다 맞지
Everything my mother said was right
사랑은 까맣게 변했다 돌릴 수 없게 다 태웠다
This love turned to black, we can't go back, everything is burned
오늘 난 내 기억 속에서 널 없앴다
I erased you from my memory today
차갑게 나를 본다 남인 듯 돌아선다
When you see me, you coldly act like you don't know me and turn away
난 멍하니 서있다
I was blankly standing there
몰랐던 너를 봤다 그저 웃음만 나온다
I didn't know you when I saw you, that's right, I'll only smile because now
난 이제 너를 몰라
I don't know you
널 잊으리라 Woo woo woo
I will forget you Woo woo woo
저리 가 오지 마 돌아보지도 말아
Go away, don't come near me, don't ever look back
널 지우리라 Woo woo woo
I will erase you Woo woo woo
저리 가 오지 마 돌아보지도 말아
Go away, don't come near me, don't ever look back
멍든 내 맘의 흔적을 지우고
I will erase the bruises in my heart
정든 네 눈에 내 맘을 비추죠
My heart is reflected on your familiar eyes
너무 차가워 깜짝 놀랄지 몰라
It's so cold I don't even know if this is a good thing
다시 내 앞에 돌아온다 해도
Even if you came back to my side
이젠 받아줄 자리가 없네요
But now there is no place left for you
끝이 난 거죠 난 이제 너를 몰라
This is the end for me now I don't know you
널 잊으리라 Woo woo woo
I will forget you Woo woo woo
저리 가 오지 마 돌아보지도 말아
Go away, don't come near me, don't ever look back
널 지우리라 Woo woo woo
I will erase you Woo woo woo
저리 가 오지 마 돌아보지도 말아
Go away, don't come near me, don't ever look back