إلهي لا تعذبني فإني
My God, do not punish me, for I...
مقر بالذي قد كان مني
Confess for what which has come from me
ومالي حيلة إلا رجائي
And I have no other plan except my hope
وعفوك إن عفوت
Of Your pardon upon me
وحسن ظني
And my good thoughts in You
فكم من زلة لي في البرايا
How many mistakes I committed against people
وأنت علي ذو فضلٍ ومن ,ومن
And yet, You are full of bounty to me, to me
يظن الناس بي خيرا وإني
People think good of me
لشر الناس إن لم تعف عني
And I'm the worst of people if You don't forgive me.