Translation of the song شخبارك artist Abdul Kareem Abdul Qader



English translation

How Have You Been?

وين انت وشخبارك

Where are you and how have you been?

يا مغرب عن ديارك

You, who has left their home

انا كل يوم اكحل ناظري بدارك

Everyday, I kohl my eyes with your home 1

اتمشى تحت هالسور اناظر بيتك المهجور

I walk in the market and look at your abandoned home

وينك يا فنر هالبيت وينك

Where are you, lantern of this house?

بعدك انطفى العالم

After you, the whole world has turned off

ما بقى بالشوارع نور

There’s no lights in the streets

وين انت

Where are you?

حبيبي .. حبيبي اذكرك بالخير

My love, my love, I remember you well 2

واشوفك روضي الأخضر واشمك ريحة النوير

I see you as green pastures and I can smell your scent of nowairs3

ذبل هالورد بعد مافارق الساقي من يرويه

The flowers have withered after the gardener has left - who’ll water it?

تعال ارجع اذا بعمري بقى باقي بشوفك فيه

Come, come back - if there’s any time left in my life, I want to see you then

وينك يا فنر هالبيت وينك

Where are you, lantern of this house?

بعدك انطفى العالم

After you, the whole world has turned off

ما بقى بالشوارع نور

There’s no light in the streets

وين انت

Where are you?

انتهى العام وابتدى العام الجديد

A year has finished and a new one begins

وانته ناسينا اكيد

And you’ve forgotten us, definitely

الله ما جنه في هالدنيا ورق ولا بريد

Oh God, in this world, we never get any letters or mail

وانته بعيد تاحش السكه وانا فيها الوحيد

And you’re so far, you avoid the street and I’m the only one on it

واللي بقى باب الحديد

And all that’s left is a steel door

وينك يا فنر هالبيت وينك

Where are you, lantern of this house?

بعدك انطفى العالم

After you, the whole world has turned off

ما بقى بالشوارع نور

There’s no light in the streets

وين انت

Where are you?

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