Translation of the song لا خطاوينا artist Abdul Kareem Abdul Qader


لا خطاوينا

English translation

Our Steps Don't...

لا خطاوينا وراها لقى

Our steps don't lead to us meeting

وان تلاقينا نتلاقى بشقى

And if we meet, we meet in hardship

ولازم واحد فينا يضحي

And one of us must sacrifice


become callous,

وينسى الذكرى ويمحي

And forget the memory and erase it.

ومهما دمعي ودمعك هل

And no matter how much my tears and yours loom,

بيدي وبيدك يبقى الحل

The solution remains in my hands and yours

اما بجرحك وآلا بجرحي

Either you have to get hurt or I have to

لازم واحد فينا يضحي

One of us must sacrifice

يا انت يا انا

It is either you or I

من هو اللي فينا بيبتدي؟

Who will be the one to begin?

خل نفتعل الفراق

Let us [artificially] incite our separation

ونجرح الاشواق

And hurt our passions

دام الحزن واحد

As long as it all leads up to the same sadness

ادري ترد تشتاق

I know you return to longing

ومثلك انا باشتاق

And I like you long too

بس لازم نعاند

But we must be stubborn

ومهما دمعي ودمعك هل

And no matter how much my tears and yours loom,

بيدي وبيدك يبقى الحل

The solution remains in my hands and yours

اما بجرحك وإلا بجرحي

Either you have to get hurt or I have to

لازم واحد فينا يضحي

One of us must sacrifice

لا لا تخاف

No, don't be afraid

حاول حبيبي

Try, my love

حاول حبيبي

Try, my love

ولا تخاف

And don't be afraid

لا لا تخاف

No, don't be afraid

قرر حبيبي

Decide, my love

قرر حبيبي

Decide, my love

ولا تخاف

And don't be scared

ما بقى بحبنا بعد شيّ

There is nothing more in our love

عليه ينخاف

to be afraid to lose

خل الحزن مره بيدي

Let the sadness be something in my hands for once

ولو مره

Even if it was just for once

باختياري وباختيارك

[Let it be] my choice and yours

ومهما دمعي ودمعك هل

And no matter how much my tears and yours loom,

بيدي وبيدك يبقى الحل

The solution remains in my hands and yours

اما بجرحك ولا بجرحي

Either you have to get hurt or I have to

لازم واحد فينا يضحي

One of us must sacrifice

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