Translation of the song Music artist Various Artists



English translation


난난나 난난나 우

nananana oh

난난나 난난나


가슴으로 통하는건

the way to the heart

it's one it's music

it's one it's music

서로 다른 말을 해도 우리

even if each one of us speaks differently

심장은 느낄 수 있어

our heart can feel it

닫혀진 맘을 열어줄 마법의 주문

a magic spell that can open a closed heart

it's music

it's music

보다 큰 세상 속에서 우리

we are more big than the whole world

하나되는 축제 우우 mama

we become one mama

거기 숨어 있지 말고

don't hide it here

즐거운 멜로디

a happy melody

거기 움츠리지 말고

don't stand there

신나는 리듬에 니 몸을 맡겨

trust your body to the rhythm

메마른 맘을 적셔줄 비밀의 주문

a secret spell that wets a dry heart

it's music

it's music

영원히 변하지 않을

it will never change

우리 소중한 얘기들 mama

our precious stories mama

Hey stand up

hey stand up

music is all around with you

music is all around with you

다 같이 불러봐

all together sing

hey stand up

hey stand up

music is all around with you

music is all around with you

자 모두 함께 즐겨

well,let's all enjoy

난난나 난난나


난난나 난난나


난난나 난난나


난난나 난난나


Just close your eyes

Just close ur eyes

그리고 느껴 Music makes me hot

and feel Music makes me hot

난 울고 웃고

I cry and smile

우린 모두 뭔가를 급히 쫓아가

We all have something to rush out

그때마다 잠시 멈추고 난난난나

each time stop for a little while

음악은 날 돋보이게 만들지

music makes me turn around

이세상이 얼마나 아름다운지

how beautiful is this world

난 깨달았어 내가 숨쉬는 지금

I realize that I am breathing now

Just Music 내가 꿈꾸는 이유

Just Music the reason I dream

Hey wake up

hey wake up

music is all around with you

music is all around with you

다 여기 모여서

everyone gathered here

hey wake up

hey wake up

music is all around with you

music is all around with you

자 모두 함께 즐겨

well,let's all together enjoy

Hey stand up

hey stand up

music is all around with you

music is all around with you

다 같이 불러봐

all together sing

hey stand up

hey stand up

music is all around with you

music is all around with you

지금 이순간 하나가 되어 즐겨

let's all become one and enjoy this moment

Hey wake up

hey wake up

music is all around with you

music is all around with you

다 여기 모여서

everyone gathered here

hey wake up

hey wake up

music is all around with you

music is all around with you

자 모두 함께 let's do

well ,all together let's do

난난나 난난나


난난나 난난나


난난나 난난나


난난나 난난나


난난나 난난나


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