Translation of the song = (Igual) artist Aitana
= (Igual)
= (The Same)
Tú tan igual a los demás
You're just like the others
¿Cómo pude equivocarme?
How could I get it wrong?
¿Cómo pude enamorarme de un idiota, si soy yo?
How could I fall in love with an idiot, is that the way I am?
Suerte que tú ya no estás
Lucky that you're no longer around
Para volver a engañarme
To deceive me again
Sé que tengo que alegrarme, que sentí
I know that I have to be glad, that I felt
Yo estoy mejor
I'm feeling better
Y que ya empecé a olvidarte
And that I already started to forget you
Y que no quiero llamarte
And that I don't want to call you
Y que en otra parte en contra del amor
And that I will find love somewhere else
Me da igual si quieres volver
I don't care if you want to return
Si te vuelvo a ver, no voy a creer
If I see you again, I'm not going to believe
Ya no será mi culpa, no
It won't be my fault anymore, no
No voy a llorar, diré que estoy bien
I'm not going to cry, I'll say that I'm fine
Alguien no es real
Even though it's not true
Porque en el fondo yo estoy mal
Because actually I'm not doing well
Porque está mal estar sin ti
Because it's bad being without you
Porque sin ti nada es igual
Because without you nothing is the same
Yo no tomé la decisión
I didn't make the decision
Fuiste tú el que te alejaste
It was you that went away
Fuiste tú el que nos dejaste de repente, así eres tú
It was you who suddenly left us, that's the way you are
De lo malo, lo peor
You're a bad one, the worst
No supiste valorarme
You didn't know how to appreciate me
Ya no vengas a engañarme, que sentí
Don't come to fool me anymore, I felt
Yo estoy mejor
I'm feeling better
Porque ya empecé a olvidarte
Because I already started to forget you
Porque no voy a llamarte
Because I'm not going to call you
Porque en otra parte ya encontré el amor
Because I already found love somewhere else
Me da igual si quieres volver
I don't care if you want to return
Si te vuelvo a ver, no voy a creer
If I see you again, I'm not going to believe
Ya no será mi culpa, no
It won't be my fault anymore, no
No voy a llorar, diré que estoy bien
I'm not going to cry, I'll say that I'm fine
Alguien no es real
Even though it's not true
Porque en el fondo yo estoy mal
Because actually I'm not doing well
Porque está mal estar sin ti
Because it's bad being without you
Porque sin ti nada es igual
Because without you nothing is the same
Tú tan igual a los demás
You're just like the others
¿Cómo pude equivocarme?
How could I get it wrong?
¿Cómo pude enamorarme?
How could I fall in love?
Me da igual si quieres volver
I don't care if you want to return
Si te vuelvo a ver, no voy a creer
If I see you again, I'm not going to believe
Ya no será mi culpa, no
It won't be my fault anymore, no
No voy a llorar, diré que estoy bien
I'm not going to cry, I'll say that I'm fine
Alguien no es real
Even though it's not true
Porque en el fondo yo estoy mal
Because actually I'm not doing well
Porque está mal estar sin ti
Because it's bad being without you
Porque sin ti nada es igual
Because without you nothing is the same