Translation of the song Cristal artist Aitana



English translation


[Verso 1]

[Verse 1]

Caras que a lo lejos miran hacia donde voy

Faces which in the distance look where I'm going

Cuidan de mis pasos, quieren descubrir quién soy

They take care of my steps, they want to discover who I am

Ojos que vigilan, faros en la oscuridad

Eyes which watch, headlights in the dark

Siempre me iluminan, pero a veces quiero estar-

They always illuminate me, but sometimes I want to be-



Sin nadie que me proteja, me cuide, me entienda

Without anyone to protect me, to take care of me, to understand me

Yo sólo quiero un momento de calma, de tregua

I just want a moment of calm, of truce



Aunque no lo ves

Although you don't see it

Todo es frágil a mis pies

Everything is fragile at my feet

Hay cristal dentro de mí

There is crystal inside of me

Cada vez que brilla me acaricia el cuerpo

Every time it shines, it caresses my body

Y cuando todo estalla me lo llevo dentro

And when everything explodes, I take it inside

Aunque no lo ves

Although you don't see it

[Verso 2]

[Verse 2]

Llevo dinamita en la punta y el tacón

I have dynamite in the tip and the heel

Uso mi varita con diamante y con carbón

I use my wand with diamond and charcoal

Quiero ser la bruja buena o mala, me da igual

I want to be the witch, good or bad, I don't care

Deja que lo intente, porque necesito estar-

Let me try it, because I need to be-



Sin nadie que me proteja, me cuide, me entienda

Without anyone to protect me, to take care of me, to understand me

Yo sólo quiero un momento de calma, de tregua

I just want a moment of calm, of truce



Aunque no lo ves

Although you don't see it

Todo es frágil a mis pies

Everything is fragile at my feet

Hay cristal dentro de mí

There is crystal inside of me

Cada vez que brilla me acaricia el cuerpo

Every time it shines, it caresses my body

Y cuando todo estalla me lo llevo dentro

And when everything explodes, I take it inside

Aunque no lo ves

Although you don't see it

Aunque no lo ves

Although you don't see it

Todo es frágil a mis pies

Everything is fragile at my feet

Hay cristal dentro de mí

There is crystal inside of me

Cada vez que brilla me acaricia el cuerpo

Every time it shines, it caresses my body

Y cuando todo estalla me lo llevo dentro

And when everything explodes, I take it inside

Aunque no lo ves

Although you don't see it



Deja que lo intente

Let me try it

De calma, de tegua

Of calm, of truce

Deja que lo intente

Let me try it

Aunque, aunque-

Although, although-

Deja que lo intente

Let me try it



Aunque no lo ves

Although you don't see it

Todo es frágil a mis pies

Everything is fragile at my feet

Hay cristal dentro de mí

There is crystal inside of me

Cada vez que brilla me acaricia el cuerpo

Every time it shines, it caresses my body

Y cuando todo estalla me lo llevo dentro

And when everything explodes, I take it inside

Aunque no lo quieres ves

Although you don't see it

Todo es frágil a mis pies

Everything is fragile at my feet

Hay cristal dentro de mí (Ojos que vigilan)

There is crystal inside of me (eyes which watch)

Cada vez que brilla me acaricia el cuerpo

Every time it shines, it caresses my body

Y cuando todo estalla me lo llevo dentro

And when everything explodes, I take it inside

Aunque no lo ves

Although you don't see it

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