Translation of the song Enemigos artist Aitana
Me prometí esa noche no volverte a ver
I promised myself that night that I wouldn't see you again
Porque sé que no me convienes
because I know you're not good for me
Es que tus mentiras nunca las llegué a creer
I just never got to believe in your lies
Pero es que no sé lo que tiene
but I just don't know what you have
Estúpido pensar que yo me iba a creer
It was stupid to think that I'd believe
Todas tus promesas vacías (Vacías)
your empty promises
Las mentiras ya no hablan para resolver
The lies are no longer said to resolve
Todo lo que tú me escondías
everything you were hiding from me
Cuando ya te había olvidado
Just when I forgot about you
Tú llegaste del pasado
you came back from the past
Yo no sé por qué no te vas de aquí
I don't know why you won't leave
No te vas de mi lado
why you won't leave me
Cuando ya te había olvidado
Just when I forgot about you
Tú llegaste del pasado
you came back from the past
Yo no sé por qué no te vas de aquí
I don't know why you won't leave
No te vas de mi lado
why you won't leave me
Confundimos el amor con lo que tuvimos (Wuh; wuh)
We were confused and thought what we had was love
Terminamos siendo enemigos (Wuh)
so we ended up as enemies
Quisiste prometer, yo te quise creer
you wanted to promise, I wanted to believe you
Pero al final tú y yo nos perdimos
but in the end, you and I, we got lost
Ese amor que tanto sentimos
That love that we felt so much
Terminamos siendo enemigos
we ended up as enemies
Quisiste prometer, yo te quise creer
you wanted to promise, I wanted to believe you
Pero al final tú y yo nos perdimos (Mmm)
but in the end, you and I, we got lost
No sé qué tienes tú
I don't know what you have
Que nunca me dejas aunque te alejas
so you never leave me even when you distance yourself
Look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Es inevitable ser vulnerable
It's inevitable to be vulnerable
No sé qué tienes tú
I don't know what you have
Que nunca me dejas aunque te alejas
so you never leave me even when you distance yourself
Look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Es inevitable
It's inevitable
Cuando ya te había olvidado
Just when I forgot about you
Tú llegaste del pasado
you came back from the past
Yo no sé por qué no te vas de aquí
I don't know why you won't leave
No te vas de mi lado
why you won't leave me
Cuando ya te había olvidado
Just when I forgot about you
Tú llegaste del pasado
you came back from the past
Yo no sé por qué no te vas de aquí
I don't know why you won't leave
No te vas de mi lado
why you won't leave me
Confundimos el amor con lo que tuvimos (Wuh; wuh)
We were confused and thought what we had was love
Terminamos siendo enemigos (Wuh)
so we ended up as enemies
Quisiste prometer, yo te quise creer
you wanted to promise, I wanted to believe you
Pero al final tú y yo nos perdimos
but in the end, you and I, we got lost
Ese amor que tanto sentimos
That love that we felt so much
Terminamos siendo enemigos
we ended up as enemies
Quisiste prometer, yo te quise creer
you wanted to promise, I wanted to believe you
Pero al final tú y yo nos perdimos (Mmm)
but in the end, you and I, we got lost
Me prometiste anoche no volverte a ver
You promised me last night that I wouldn't see you again
Porque sé que no me convienes
because I know you're not good for me
Es que tus mentiras nunca las llegué a creer
I just never got to believe in your lies
Pero es que no sé lo que tiene
but I just don't know what you have
Cuando ya te había olvidado
Just when I forgot about you
Tú llegaste del pasado
you came back from the past
Yo no sé por qué no te vas de aquí
I don't know why you won't leave
No te vas de mi lado
why you won't leave me
Cuando ya te había olvidado
Just when I forgot about you
Tú llegaste del pasado
you came back from the past
Yo no sé por qué no te vas de aquí
I don't know why you won't leave
No te vas de mi lado
why you won't leave me
Confundimos el amor con lo que tuvimos (Wuh; wuh)
We were confused and thought what we had was love
Terminamos siendo enemigos (Wuh; wuh)
so we ended up as enemies
Quisiste prometer, yo te quise creer
you wanted to promise, I wanted to believe you
Pero al final tú y yo nos per—, jejeje
but in the end, we lo-
Ese amor que tanto sentimos
That love that we felt so much
Terminamos siendo enemigos
we ended up as enemies