Translation of the song Bruixes artist Ginestà
De camins ja n'hem fet molts,
Paths, we've trodden so many of them
Agafades a la vida.
While holding on to life.
Estimar i tancar ferides,
We love and close wounds
Mentre fem marxar els voltors...
While we drive the vultures away...
T'han fet mal i no és mentida.
They have hurt you and that's not a lie.
Ens volem agermanades:
We want to see each other as sisters:
Bruixes dolces de muntanya.
Sweet witches from the mountains.
Testimonis, sols els arbres:
Only the trees are our witnesses;
Sense fulles, que és Hivern...
Leafless, because it's Winter...
Les males herbes no marxen.
The weeds do not go away.
La gola del llop és fosca,
The wolf's throat is dark
Escalada en vertical.
When you climb it vertically.
Ja sabíem que eres forta,
We already knew that you were strong,
T'esperàvem feia estona:
We'd been waiting for you for a while:
Juntes fins al final!
Together until the end!
Juntes d'avui fins al final!
Together from today until the end!
T'has cobert d'ombra i escorces;
You've covered yourself with shadows and bark;
Reconec que ens hem fet grans.
I must admit that we've grown old.
Poc a poc i amb molta escolta,
Little by little and with much careful listening,
Dels poemes fem nous sostres;
We make new roofs out of poems;
Dels petons, fem estendards.
With kisses, we make banners.
No serà fàcil ser lliures:
It won't be easy to become free:
N'aprenc més quan tu te'n vas.
I learn more about it when you leave.
Del traç que queda a la vista
Out of the stroke that remains visible
(Ple de llum i noves fites),
(Filled with light and new milestones),
Se'n dibuixen veritats.
Truths are being drawn.
La gola del llop és fosca,
The wolf's throat is dark
Escalada en vertical.
When you climb it vertically.
Ja sabíem que eres forta,
We already knew that you were strong,
T'esperàvem feia estona:
We'd been waiting for you for a while:
Juntes fins al final!
Together until the end!
Juntes d'avui fins al final!
Together from today until the end!
Juntes d'avui fins al final...
Together from today until the end...