Translation of the song Diumenge artist Ginestà
Un glop de tu, amb gust de tu,
A sip of you, with the taste of you,
Sopant cos i carn i riures.
While having flesh and body and laughter for supper.
Bategar a ritmes semblants,
Our hearts beat at similar paces,
Abraçats en pell i carícies.
We embrace, skin on skin and caresses.
Són les dotze i, encara al llit,
It's twelve o'clock and we're still in bed,
Diumenges, gemecs i mossegades.
Sundays, moans and love bites.
No vull coixí si tinc un pit...
I don't want a pillow if I have someone's chest...
No vull marxar: no pas encara!
I don't want to leave: not yet!
I obro els ulls i veig la finestra,
And I open my eyes and I see the window,
El TFG a l'escriptori; merda!
My thesis on the desk; shit!
I uns ulls negres i un cos nu,
And two dark eyes and a naked body...
Ganes de restar-hi, sota el ventre.
The desire to stay under the waist.
Però, hòstia!
But, goddamn!
No sé com els seus petons
I don't know how his/her kisses
M'atrapen tant!
Have such a hold on me!
També sé que aquests petons
I also know that these kisses
Avui són per mi sol,
Are only for me today,
I demà, tant se val...
And tomorrow doesn't matter...
I demà tant se val!
And tomorrow doesn't matter!
Que si vius al segon,
Because if you live for the here and now,
No busques perfeccions,
You don't look for perfection,
Però les veus per moments
But you find them each moment
Entre orgasmes i cançons.
In between orgasms and songs.
Que si busques a dins,
For, if you look deep inside,
Tindràs la sensació
You'll have the feeling
De viure intensament,
Of living intensely,
De ser lliure estimant,
Of being free in love,
D'estimar lliurement...!
Of loving freely...!
Però, hòstia!
But, goddamn!
No sé com els seus petons
I don't know how his/her kisses
M'atrapen tant!
Have such a hold on me!
També sé que aquests petons
I also know that these kisses
Avui són per mi sol,
Are only for me today,
I demà, tant se val...
And tomorrow doesn't matter...
I demà tant se val!
And tomorrow doesn't matter!
I demà, tant se val...
And tomorrow doesn't matter...
I demà tant se val...
And tomorrow doesn't matter...