Translation of the song L'Eva i la Jana artist Ginestà


L'Eva i la Jana

English translation

Eva and Jana

Ja tenen setze anys

They're already 16

I ara tot les crema refregant els cossos

And now everything burns them, rubbing their bodies

Pels camps del costat

in the nearby fields

Un vestit de flors

A flowery dress

I una camisa descansen a l'herba

And a shirt relax on the grass

Si el riu és a prop

If the river is nearby

Marxen les hores buscant pigues noves

Hours fly by whilst looking for new freckles

Tan sols els ocells les han vist

The birds saw them so alone

Agafen les bicis sabent que és l'inici

They stop their bikes, knowing that it's the beginning

Sobre els seus caps s'ha fet de nit

Above their heads, it's turned to night

Quan li agafa la mà no passa el temps

When she holds her hand, time stops

Saps que t'estimo! Mai m'ha passat

You know that I love you! It's never happened before

No sé que som, què està passant?

I don't know what we are, what's happening?

I entre uns dits els dits de l'altre

And between her fingers are the fingers of the other

Com si fos un videoclip que ens ha passat?

As though what has happened between us were a music video?

No sé que som, però què guapa estàs

I don't know what we are, but you're so beautiful

La Jana ja dorm

Jana is asleep

Perquè quan sent un pit contra l'esquena

Because when she feels her chest against her shoulder

Li agafa la son

She reaches her dream

L'Eva s'ha llevat

Eva has got up

Està molt nerviosa perquè té un examen

She's very nervous because she has an exam

A la facultat

At college

I ara exagera amb que no es sap cap tema

And now she exaggerates that she knows nothing

Dels trenta que té per llegir

Of the thirty topics that she had to read

S'apropa la Jana que ve per darrere

Jana gets close, who sees her from behind

Diu que amb ella ha après a ser feliç

She says that with her she's learned to be happy

Quan li agafa la mà no passa el temps

When she holds her hand, time stops

Saps que t'estimo! Mai m'ha passat

You know that I love you! It's never happened before

No sé què som, què està passant?

I don't know what we are, what's happening?

I el record les tardes bones

And those beautiful afternoons in my memory

Com si fos un videoclip del que ha passat

As though what has happened were a music video

De tot el que som, però què guapa estàs!

Of everything that we are, but you're so beautiful!

Li fa un petó al front

She kisses her forehead

Mentre a la camilla la Jana fa estona

Meanwhile Jana has spent so long on the stretcher

Que pensa que es mor

She thinks that she's died

Una mica més

A little while longer

Un terç d'una joia ja és fora del temple

A third gem is now outside of the temple

On la vida neix

Where life is born

És tan petita i té els ulls de la Jana

She's so small and she has Jana's eyes

I quan plora sols l'Eva somriu

And when she cries, Eva smiles

Ja passa a vegades que algunes històries

It happens that sometimes, some stories

Tenen un final feliç

Have a happy ending

I així s'han fet grans

And so they grew old

Créixer és estimar

To grow up is to love

I així s'han fet grans

And so they grew old

Créixer és estimar

To grow up is to love

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