Translation of the song A grd se ti zdim? [How Bad Can I Be?] artist The Lorax (OST)


A grd se ti zdim? [How Bad Can I Be?]

English translation

Do I seem ugly to you?

A grd se ti zdim?

Do I seem ugly to you?

Jaz le skupaj s svetom se vrtim

I'm just going round with the world

A grd se ti zdim?

Do I seem ugly to you?

Jaz usodi svoji le sledim

I'm just following my destiny

A grd se ti zdim?

Do I seem ugly to you?

Jaz le skupaj s svetom se vrtim

I'm just going round with the world,

A grd se ti zdim?

Do I seem ugly to you?

Kako to, da grd se ti zdim?

Why do I seem ugly to you?

Obstaja zakon v naravi

Now there's a law in nature

(Zakon v naravi)

(A law in nature)

Ki vsako bitje ga pozna.

That every being knows

Da naj zmaga najmočnejši

Today, the strongest one wins

(Zmaga najmočnejši)

(The strongest wins)

In pravi nekaj takega:

And says something like this:

Žival, ki se bori, preživi, saj grize, praska, brca, bam!

An animals that fights, survives, because it scratches, kicks, BAM!

In žival, ki ne bori se

And the animal that doesn't fight

No, žival, ki ne bori se

And the animal that doesn't fight

Pa je zalogajček

Is a little meal,



(Njam njam njam njam njam)

(Yum yum yum yum yum)

Ja pač tako je!

Well, it's like this!

A grd se ti zdim?

Do I seem ugly to you?

Jaz le skupaj s svetom se vrtim

I'm just going round with the world,

A grd se ti zdim?

Do I seem ugly to you?

Jaz usodi svoji le sledim

I'm just following my destiny.

A grd se ti zdim?

Do I seem ugly to you?

Jaz le skupaj s svetom se vrtim

I'm just going round with the world,

A grd se ti zdim?

Do I seem ugly to you?

Kako to, da grd se ti zdim?

Why do I seem ugly to you?

Tak je zakon v vsakem poslu

It's a law in every business,

(Zakon v vsakem poslu!)

(A law in every business!)

Držijo se ga prav vsi

That everyone follows,

Ki pravi, da le ljudje z denarjem

It says that only people with the money,

(Ljudje z denarjem!)

(People with the money!)

Naredijo, da se svet vrti!

Make the world go round!

Zato pa večam proizvodnjo,

So I'm biggering my production,

In povečal sem tovarno,

And I biggered my factory,

In povečal znak za tisočkrat!

And I biggered my sign by 1000 times!

Vsak naj zase skrbi, kot sam ve in zna

Everyone take care of yourself, like you know and can do

In jaz?

And me?

Jaz bom pač boga-ga-ga-ga-gat!

I will just be RI-RI-RI-RI-RICH!

(Tresi zadnjo plat)

(Shake the bottom line)

Naj vas slišim zdaj:

Let, me call you now,

Smognati Smog! (x2)

Smoggity Smog! (x2)

Smradnati Smrad! (x2)

Smelly Smell! (Smellity Smell!)

Tako vedno bo

It's always going to be like this,

Pa kaj, če kakšen bučman tega nima rad!

Well what if some dummy doesn't like it this way?

Halo?! Kako to, da grd se ti zdim?

Well, come on, how do I seem ugly to you?

A grd se ti zdim?

Do I seem ugly to you?

Gospodarstvo na nogah držim

I'm just keeping the economy up.

A grd se ti zdim?

Do I seem ugly to you?

Za medota prav lepo skrbim

I'm keeping a nice care of this bear.

A grd se ti zdim?

Do I seem ugly to you?

(In en del dobička gre najrevnejšim)

(A part of proceeds goes to the poor)

A grd se ti zdim?

Do I seem ugly to you?

Kako to, da grd se ti zdim?

How do I seem ugly to you?

(A grd se ti zdim?)

(Do I seem ugly to you?)

In Vsi ljudje za tem norijo

And all the people are going mad after it!

(A grd se ti zdim?)

(Do I seem ugly to you?)

In denarčki se valijo

And the little moneys are rolling!

(A grd se ti zdim?)

(Do I seem ugly to you?)

In laži za tisk se množijo

And the lies for newspapers are multiplying!

(A grd se ti zdim?)

(Do I seem ugly to you?)

In odvetniki tajijo

And the lawyers are denying!

(A grd se ti zdim?)

(Do I seem ugly to you?)

Pa kaj, par dreves gre adijo

What now a couple of trees are saying goodbye?

(A grd se ti zdim?)

(Do I seem ugly to you?)

Jaz sem ta, ki ima vizijo

I'm the one who has the vision!



Kako to, da grd se ti zdim?

How do I seem ugly to you?

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