Translation of the song Čo je na tom zle [How bad can I be?] artist The Lorax (OST)
Čo je na tom zle [How bad can I be?]
What's wrong with it?
Čo je-e-e-e na tom zle
What's wroooong with it?
beriem čo mi život prinesie
I take what life gives me…
Čo je-e-e-e na tom zle
What's wroooong with it?
Osud usmerní to dobre viem
Fate, success, no one knows well
Čo je-e-e-e na tom zle
What's wroooong with it?
beriem čo mi život prinesie
I take what life gives me.
Čo je-e-e-e na tom zle
What's wrong with it?
nemôže to byť až také zle
It can't be that bad!
V prirodě všetko má svoj zákon (všetko má svoj zákon)
Nature has its own laws (has its own laws)
musí vedieť každý tvor
which every creature has to know,
Ano prežije len silný (prežije len silný)
only the fittest survives (only the fittest survives),
tak nestavaj sa na odpor
so stop resisting
a ten čo vahrať chce
and the one that wants to win
musí kopať štípať mnoho zmien
has to scratch, sting, kick and take a lot
a zvierata čo nechcu
and animals that don't want
ktora toto robit nechcu
don't want to do these things
teraz niekto môže lala lala zjesť
may be eaten by someone sometime
(La la la la la)
...a pre lasku nevier
....In the realm of heavens
Čo je-e-e-e na tom zle
What's wroooong with it?
Beriem čo mi život prinesie
I take what life gives me…
Čo je-e-e-e na tom zle
What's wroooong with it?
Osud usmerní to dobre viem
Fate, success, no one knows well
Čo je-e-e-e na tom zle
What's wroooong with it?
Beriem čo mi život prinesie
I take what life gives me.
Čo je-e-e-e na tom zle
What's wrong with it?
Nemôže to byť až také zle
It can't be that bad!
Zákon měl by každý byznys
The law rules every business
a nad ten hlavný zákon nie je
and there's not a higher law
vravia tí čo majú prachy
Those who have money say that
tí v rukách drží celý svet
those own the whole world
tak sa moja firma zlepšuje
So, my company is improving
a továreň sa zväčšuje
and the factory is expanding
aj nadpis čo nad vstupom mám
and so, does the logo above the entrance
vravím život je boj
I say that life is a fight,
riešim problém svoj
deal with it yourself!
môj si riešim sám-
I deal with mine -
sám sám sám sám sám
and alone, alone, alone, alone, alone
(Všetko v suchu mám)
(Everything's gonna be fine)
Poďme spievajte!
Come on, let's sing!
Smogový smog (smogový smog)
Smoggy smog! (Smoggy smog)
Šlopyty šlop (šlopyty šlop)
Šlopitý šlop! (šlopitý šlop) 1
Len si krič koľko chceš
Shout as loud as you can,
Tohle nazastavíš hoci voláš stop
you won't stop this no matter how loud you shout stop
No tak nie je až také zlé...
Come on, it can't be that bad...!
Čo je-e-e-e na tom zle
What's wroooong with it?
Tým len hospodárstvo budujem
It just helps the economy grow
Čo je-e-e-e na tom zle
What's wroooong with it?
Len sa pozrite ako všetkým pomôžem
Just watch this, I'll help everyone
Čo je-e-e-e na tom zle
What's wroooong with it?
A zo svojich si čo viac prispeje
and one pays more from their own
Čo je-e-e-e na tom zle
What's wrong with it?
čo robím nie je až také zle
What I do isn't that bad, no it isn't
Všetci zákazníci platia
All customers have to pay
Aj úspory sa kratia
and their savings to in vain
Až z tých reklám raz rozum stratia
and their lose their minds from the advertisements
A predajcovia sú mojej bratia
and the lawyers are my brothers
Tak čo že pár stromov sklátia
So, what if they cut a few trees down?
Všetko tu funguje zatiaľ
Everything works as it should so far
Čo? To snad nie je až také zle
So what? What? It can't be that bad!