Translation of the song 1989 artist Cargo



English translation


Merg pe strada, nu vad unde calc,

Walking the street, can't see where I'm stepping

Toate hainele pe dos le-mbrac.

Putting all my clothes upside-down/inside-out

Vad prin oameni, nu mai vad nimic;

Looking through the people, can't see anything

Privirile-mi sunt grele, nu pot sa le ridic.

my looks are heavy, can't lift them.

'89-mi pare-a fi un vis,

'89 seems like a dream

Focuri vii in minte iar mi s-au aprins;

living flames from my mind have turned on again

Intra-n mine toate clipele

All the moments are entering inside of me

Cum intra-n gara trenurile.

just like trains are entering the station

Oh, oh, anule,

Oh, oh, you year,

Strange-ti zilele si opreste-te!

gather your days and stop'em!

Calendarul azi l-am aruncat,

Today I've thrown the callendar

Ceasul din perete, de ciuda a crapat.

the clock in the wall died of envy!

Astazi soarele n-a mai apus,

Today, the sun didn't set

Sta si straluceste tot acolo sus.

it's sitting and shining still up there

Mi se pare ziua cat un an,

The day seems like an year to me

Vise-mi ies din minte, ca dintr-un vulcan.

dreams are coming out of my mind as from inside a volcano.

Oh, oh, anule,

Oh, oh, you year,

Strange-ti zilele si opreste-te!

gather your days and stop'em!

Calendarul azi l-am aruncat,

Today I've thrown the callendar

Ceasul din perete, de ciuda a crapat.

the clock in the wall died of envy!

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