Translation of the song Buletin de stiri artist Cargo
Buletin de stiri
Vad programul la TV
I see the TV program
Vad programul la TV
I see the TV program
Vad programul la TV
I see the TV program
Vad programul la TV
I see the TV program
Gandurile-mi sunt prea vii
My thoughts are surreal
Nu pot sa mai le suport
I can't stand them anymore
Omenirea zi de zi
Daily, the minkind
Pare-un urias complot
Seems a huge conspiracy
Vad programul la TV
I see the TV program
Vad programul la TV
I see the TV program
Spune-mi cati vor mai pieri
Tell me how many other people will die
In macelul sistematic
In the systematic carnage
Asteptand o noua zi
Waiting for a new day
Dintr-un secol prea dramatic?
From a too dramatic century?
Vad programul la TV
I see the TV program
Vad programul la TV
I see the TV program
Intr-o lume-n care omul
In a world where the human
Este un obiect uitat
Is a forgotten object
Nebunia si-a luat tronul
The craziness has taken its throne
Tot semnand cate-un tratat
By keeping signing treaties
Vad programul la TV
I see the TV program
Vad programul la TV
I see the TV program
Milioanele de mii
Hundreds of thousands
S-au trezit din adormire!
Have woke up from their sleep
Spune-mi cine va semna
Tell me who's going to sign
Dreptul lor la fericire?
Their misery right