Stau in urma trenului cu care vei pleca
I'm following the train which you're going to leave on
Si-mi pare rau.
And I'm sorry.
Cred ca-i semnul raului,
I think it's the sign of evil,
Nici nu te-am sarutat. Tare mi-e greu...
I did not even kiss you. It is very hard for me ...
Doi pasi nu sunt departe,
Two steps.. I am not far,
Doi pasi, doi pasi in urma ta.
Two steps, two steps behind you.
Stai sa mai vorbim putin
Wait let's talk a little more
Si sa ne amintim de prima zi.
And let us remember the first day.
Vreau ochii sa ti-i zaresc,
I want to see your eyes,
Sa pot sa iti soptesc
To be able to whisper
Ca te iubesc.
That I love you.
Vad cum la geam iti aprinzi o tigara,
I see on the window how you light a cigarette,
Tragi doar un fum si-o strivesti.
You draw just one smoke, and brag it out.
Mana prin par ti-o petreci intr-o doara,
Your hand runs thru your hair hastily,
Ma uit la ceas si oftez...
I look at watch and sigh ...