Translation of the song Povestiri din gară artist Cargo
Povestiri din gară
Train station stories
Plouă încet, stau în gară
It's raining slowly, I'm sitting in the train station
ochii simt că mă dor
eyes feel like hurting
gânduri rămase de-aseară
thoughts from yesterday evening
parfumul din coridor
the scent from the corridor
Povesteai de o pensie lunară
You were telling about a monthly due
un ceas bătea tot mai stins
a clock was beating silently
ştiam că e ultima oară
I knew it's the last time
absurdul din nou a învins
the absurd has succeeded again
Ochii mei pe o linie moartă
My eyes on an ended line
rătăceau căutând clandestin
were wandering searching
trenuri ce nu sunt pe hartă,
trains that are not on the map,
linii ce-nseamnă destin
lines that mean destiny
trenuri ce pleacă, nu vin
trains that are leaving, not coming
şi anii ce s-au scurs...
and the years that are gone
Trei ţigani cântau din vioară
Three gipsies are playing violin
cineva-mi oferea aspirine
someone's giving me aspirins
toţi vorbeau râzând într-o doară
they all talked laughing
eu voiam să le spun despre tine
I wanted to tell them about you
Mă gândeam doar la tine
I was thinking only about you
Povesteau de problema agrară
They were talking about the agrarian problem
eu plângeam, ei râdeau, ce ciudat
I was crying, they were laughing, how strange
iar ţiganii cântau din vioară
and the gipsies were playing on the violin
cântecul lor preferat
their favorite song
cântecul lor neuitat
their unforgettable song
Trec ţiganii, cântecul lor l-ascult
Gipsies are passing, I'm listening to their song
sparg paharul, vreau să te uit
breaking the glass, wanting to forget you...
Trec ţiganii, cântecul lor l-ascult
Gipsies are passing, I'm listening to their song
sparg paharul, vreau să te uit
breaking the glass, wanting to forget you...
Trec ţiganii, cântecul lor l-ascult
Gipsies are passing, I'm listening to their song
sparg paharul, vreau să te uit
breaking the glass, wanting to forget you...
Trec ţiganii, cântecul lor l-ascult
Gipsies are passing, I'm listening to their song
sparg paharul, vreau să te uit
breaking the glass, wanting to forget you...