Translation of the song Zi de zi artist Cargo


Zi de zi

English translation

Day by day

Zi de zi, tu si eu

Day by day, you and I

Suntem in dilema mare:

are in a big dilemma:

Mama ta, tatal meu

your mother, my father

Ne conduc pe fiecare.

are driving each one of us

Tot ce ei n-au reusit

All that they didn't succeed

Vor acuma noi sa facem,

they want us to do

Viitoru-i stabilit,

future is established;

Nu conteaza ce ne place.

doesn't matter what we like!



M-a saturat pana peste cap

I've had enough,

Dar ce sa fac cu ei?

but what can I do about them?

Am sa ma duc si am sa le spun

I'm gonna go tell them

Chiar acum ca:

right now that:

Vreau sa fac ce imi place,

I want to do what I like,

Vreau sa fiu ce vreau eu,

I want to be what I want,

Vreau s-aleg singur drumul,

I want to choose the right path,

De-o fi rau, e al meu!

though bad, that's my way!

Nu conteaza ce gandim,

Doesn't matter what we're thinking

Fiindca ei le stiu pe toate.

because the know all

Au uitat ca-n vremea lor

They forgot that in their times

Au facut si ei de toate.

they also did everything!



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