Translation of the song Η Μαρία artist Miltos Sachtouris


Η Μαρία

English translation


Ἡ Μαρία σκεφτικὴ ἔβγαζε τὶς κάλτσες της

Maria, pensive, was taking off her socks

Ἀπὸ τὸ σῶμα της ἔβγαιναν

From her body emerged

φωνὲς ἄλλων ἀνθρώπων

Voices of other people

ἑνὸς στρατιώτη ποὺ μιλοῦσε σὰν ἕνα πουλὶ

Of a soldier who spoke like a bird

ἑνὸς ἀρρώστου ποὺ εἶχε πεθάνει ἀπὸ πόνους προβάτων

Of a sick man who had died of sheep pain

καὶ τὸ κλάμα τῆς μικρῆς ἀνεψιᾶς τῆς Μαρίας

And the cry of a little niece of hers

ποὺ αὐτὲς τὶς μέρες εἶχε γεννηθεῖ

Who had been born days before

Ἡ Μαρία ἔκλαιγε ἔκλαιγε

Maria was crying, crying

τώρα ἡ Μαρία γελοῦσε

Now Maria was laughing

ἅπλωνε τὰ χέρια της τὸ βράδυ

She would outstretch her hands at night

ἔμενε μὲ τὰ πόδια ἀνοιχτὰ

She would remain with her legs open

Ὕστερα σκοτείνιαζαν τὰ μάτια της

Then her eyes would grow dark

μαῦρα μαῦρα θολὰ σκοτείνιαζαν

Black, black and bleary they would get

Τὸ ραδιόφωνο ἔπαιζε

The radio was on

Ἡ Μαρία ἔκλαιγε

Maria was crying

Ἡ Μαρία ἔκλαιγε

Maria was crying

τὸ ραδιόφωνο ἔπαιζε

The radio was on

Τότε ἡ Μαρία

Then Maria

σιγὰ-σιγὰ ἄνοιγε τὰ χέρια της

Would slowly open her arms

ἄρχιζε νὰ πετάει

And start to fly

γύρω-γύρω στὸ δωμάτιο

Around around the room

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