Translation of the song Addictive Dancer artist TK from Ling tosite sigure


Addictive Dancer

English translation

Addictive Dancer


Take me somewhere far away


The cold candle became muddy, it doesn't work anymore


Both the gaze and empathy are stuck, where I'm squeezing and burning

Addicted to my noise Addicted to my fake

Addicted to my noise Addicted to my fake


I must get away


Take me somewhere far away


The sense of prejudice has sprinkled over me


In that moment, I'm able to overtake the blue clouds that are in slow-motion

時間が透明に変わる 僕は虚空の支配者さ

The time changes transparently and I fell under the control of air

溶けて 溶けて 溶けて 僕は0になれた

Melting, melting, melting, I became zero


Experience and answers made me blunt

探して 探して 「らしさ」の錯覚に堕ちた

Searching, searching, I fell into the identity illusion

研ぎ澄まして 分かったふりして また濁っていく

I fuel it, pretending I figured it out, but it's muddy again

Addicted to my noise Addicted to my fake

Addicted to my noise Addicted to my fake

地平線の上 秘密のホワイトホールに

Above the horizon, in a secret white hole,


Visions will sprinkle everywhere


Come pick me up in the town that nobody knows

魔法が解けて 消えたはずのあの日の錯覚が

The magic faded away, and I should have disappeared as well of the illusion of that day

踊った 踊った 溶けた僕の思考を包囲して

I danced, I danced, while the thoughts surrounded, that melted me

次第に侵して 巻き戻しながら自分が憑依する

While gradually they are passing and rewinding, I'm being possessed

Addictive Dancer

Addictive Dancer

Addicted to my noise Addicted to my fake

Addicted to my noise Addicted to my fake

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