Translation of the song Dodirni me artist Galija


Dodirni me

English translation

Touch me

Gledam te nekim drugim očima

I stare upon you with different eyes

upravo onako kako ne treba

Just the way that I shouldn't

u tebi je Vojvodina zaspala

Vojvodina* is asleep in you

sto izvora, nigde obala

A hundred springs, not a single coastline

I ne shvatam šta mi se dešava

And I do not understand what is happening to me

nedostaje mi reč koja rešava

I'm missing the word that'll solve everything

u tebi je neka tajna ostala

Within you a secret remains

k'o muzika starih majstora

Like music of great composers long gone

Ref. 2x

[Chorus 2x]

Dodirni me sasvim slučajno

Touch me, oh so accidentally

poljubi me filmski nestvarno

Kiss me, like a silver screen fantasy

i najlepše kad je prestani

And when it's the sweetest, stop

okreni se i nestani

Turn around and vanish from sight

Osećam nešto čudno u vazduhu

I feel something strange in the air

ceo svet na jednom jastuku

An entire world upon one pillow

na postelji od punog meseca

Upon the bedsheets of the full moon

nikom se ovde ne spava

No one here feels like sleeping tonight

Ref. 2x

[Chorus 2x]

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